Unseen News

[New Unseen Interview] Frank Gasking from Games That Weren’t


Continuing our trip through the  various websites and communities related to beta & cancelled games, this time we had the chance to make some questions to Frank Gasking, main webmaster of Games That Weren’t. As always, in this new Unseen Interview we’ll try to better understand who are these lovely geeks that work under the site, to talk about the  story of GTW, the unseen gaming world, digital preservation and to discover some of their personal tastes. >> Read the full interview!


[U64 Italian Podcast] Episodio 1.6: Metal Gear Solid (1° Parte)


The Unseen 64 Podcast is only in Italian, sorry!

U64 Podcast: Episodio 1.6 – Metal Gear Solid (Parte 1°) [49:25]Ebbene si cari fans della podcast di U64, ecco a voi un nuovo episodio a poco più di un mese di distanza dall’ultimo! In questa puntata lo staff si è riunito per parlare dello sviluppo della saga di Metal Gear Solid, superando qualche problema tecnico e la stanchezza dopo un’intera giornata di lavoro o di studio (aspettatevi qualche voce registrata più bassa del solito e delle P molto rumorose). Questa prima parte sarà dedicata alla beta dell’originale Metal Gear Solid per Playstation 1, partendo dalle origini della saga su MSX, il progetto di Metal Gear 3 su 3DO, il passaggio su Saturn e PSX, i collegamenti con Policenauts, aspetti segreti della vita di Kojima, le ispirazioni che hanno portato a Metal Gear, dispersioni mentali su Suda  51, i rumor della versione N64 di MGS, l’implosione della podcast e la morte di Skype,  la presentazione al Tokyo Game Show, le prime tech demo e l’evoluzione alla beta, le caratteristiche rimosse e le ricerche filologiche sulle vecchie riviste di videogames. Pronti a perdere un’altra ora della vostra vita ascoltando un gruppo di tragici nerd?  >> U64 Episodio 1.6 – Download Versione in MP3


feed-icon16×16.png www.unseen64.podomatic.com/rss2.xm feed-icon16×16.png 

Shadow Of The Colossus: unused eastern area discovered!

Robert Seddon has made us to notice about an interesting article at Team ICO Gamers Blog: they have discovered an huge, unused architecture hidden in the Eastern area of the game map. This discovery was made by Pikol, thanks to some codes, and as they wrote on the article this unfinished building “looks unlike anything else in the game. Architecture wise it looks much more modern than the temples and arenas where colossi roam. It actually looks more similar to the castle in ICO.”

As Robert said, we can only wonder if this place was going to be used for one of those unused colossi that were made in the beta of the game. Huge props to Pikol for this find! Take a look at these pics and especially at the video:

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Zelda: Link’s Awakening “Beta Quest” / LSD World video

In the original GameBoy version of Link’s Awakening, if you press SELECT when you are moving in the field from a “game screen” to another and if you do this correctly, you can be warped through the end of the next “game screen” and sometimes NPC and Items are warped with Link. If you do this trick in the Fishing Spot (going down from where the fisherman is), the fisherman will be warped on the top of a tree in the next “game screen”. If you talk to him, it will start the “fishing game” but you will be warped in a weird/glitched world (in some ways similar to the Ocarina Of Time “Beta Quest”, but this is not really that much “beta-related”). In there you can find lots of weird stuff, more items (Level 3+ Power Bracelet!) and sometimes people that you can talk to. I think that the dialogues were randomly taken from the game text. Take a look at the video and have fun!



[Project Update] Zelda 64 Beta Restoration: Beta Wallmaster Video!

A nice video-update from the Team Beta Triforce: “Another little peek at the Ocarina of Time Beta Restoration Mod. This video is by Flotonic (One of our 3D modellers), expect much of his work to be showing up on our channel in the future. His videos will usually depict his latest remodel,retexture, etc. and has been uploaded to our channel at his request. If you have any questions or comments about the Mod or video, feel free to post them below. The textures were by lllsondowlll, another one of our team members.”


Here is the original beta model for comparison: