Unseen64 T-Shirts (& More) Available on Amazon & Redbubble to Help Keep the Archive Alive!

Unseen64 T-Shirts (& More) Available on Amazon & Redbubble to Help Keep the Archive Alive!

We never thought that one day we could sell official Unseen64 t-shirts, but as one of our friends suggested this idea to gather some more funds to keep the site alive… why not? So now you can wear a new T-Shirt with the Unseen64 logo or with one of our custom-made pixel-art characters inspired by our favorite lost games!

All of these are available in different colors and sizes on Amazon.com (Shipping to USA only)

For international shipping you can order these items from Redbubble, they have more options (wall art! mugs! stickers!), but price for T-shirts is more expensive (but at least you can order them even if you don’t live in USA):

All the earnings gathered by selling these will be added to the fund we use to keep the site online (pay the server, technical support, emergency expenses, etc.) and alive (work a bit less on freelancing jobs and a bit more on researches and updates for Unseen64).

If you buy one of these, let us know what you think and send us a photo when you’ll get it :)

What do you think? Please let us know your feedback below!

As always, thanks a lot for your support in these 16+ years of unseen gaming on Unseen64.

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5 thoughts on “Unseen64 T-Shirts (& More) Available on Amazon & Redbubble to Help Keep the Archive Alive!

    1. monokoma

      We made an account on Teespring, but it’s really limited, you can only pre-order tshirts in a limited time and if not enough people buy them they will not be printed. You can choose a certain number of T-shirts as a goal, but if the number is too low, they cost a lot. At the moment it seems difficult to sell products with them as we are just a niche website :(
      I did not know Redbubble, i’m going to check it now, thanks for the suggestion!

      1. monokoma

        I’m uploading the designs to Redbubble too, T-Shirts are more expensive than Amazon but at least it could be a way to sell worldwide.. let’s see how this will go! I’ll update the post later, thanks again for your suggestion Nick :)

  1. Tim Legdeur

    Redbubble may have more options in terms of stuff but gosh dang are they limited when it comes to available payment methods. Shame that the other Amazon branches won’t sell those shirts as I’d love to buy one along with that book you guys made.

    1. monokoma

      Indeed, for some reasons Amazon remove t-shirts designs if they don’t sell at least 1 unit every month.. or something like that :( As we are a small website, we’ll never sell 12 t-shirts every year, so it’s impossible to keep our designs available.

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