Currently the main use of donations is to pay the site server (to keep the archive online), to have multiple backups of all data (online and offline, so we don’t lose important files that don’t exist anywhere else) and to repay some of the time we invest into keeping Unseen64 online (check emails, sharing information on the site or Twitter, organize new authors, resolving technical issues and so on). Before to use donations for everything else, we ask to our Patrons for their feedback, to know if they have advice or objections about the use of those donations for detailed expenses.
We think that this is not our money, the use of donations is always discussed with all the contributors who donate some of their love to continue preserving lost video games in this online museum.
Big gaming networks such as IGN or Kotaku have the resources to own powerful servers and to pay a team to work full-time on their websites, keeping their sites online and publishing daily updates. We don’t have their resources, but we think we have something better: we have you, a community of gamers that knows why it’s important to remember beta and cancelled games.
Donations used for (Updated as of January 2022):
Paid and Planned Expenses in 2022:
- About 50 $ per month: Unseen64 server cost + 24/7 technical support. At the moment this is the best hosting for the kind of bandwidth needed for Unseen64 (as we have many GBs of images hosted), plus tech support is nice and very helpful. If cost will raise more in the following years, we will think about changing it, but it would be very hard to move a site like Unseen64 without issues.
- Remaining monthly donations: as previously discussed with our Patreons, after we gathered enough donations in the Preservation Fund we started to use the remaining monthly donations to repay some of the time we use to keep Unseen64 online, especially for monokoma, who employs hours of his own time to read Unseen64 related emails, reply to messages and share lost-games-related news on social networks, resolve technical issues on the site. It’s not much money but this means we can keep alive the research on lost games, and also deal with Unseen64 related activities during the day, leaving us more free time on the evening to catch up with our private lives we were leaving quite out in the past 20+ years of existence of this website.
If you have questions or advice, let us know by email! Thanks to everyone that contribute to keep Unseen64 online, to remember all those lost games even if (in most cases) we’ll never be able to play them.
Do you want to support Unseen64?
Remember: all expenses will be discussed with our patrons before to be used. If you want to donate some of your love, we accept one-off donations through PayPal (you can donate to [email protected]) and pledges on Patreon! You can just donate how much or little you want.
Every cent is really appreciated and sent towards the U64 Archive, and if you can’t donate, just share this to your rich cousin or friend! Thank you for even reading this :)
Monthly Pledges on Patreon:
Patreon lets readers support their favorite websites by becoming patrons, giving a small donation every month through paypal / credit card.
By pledging you will steadily support the site so we can easily pay the server bill and repay some of our time spent working on Unseen64. Empowering a new generation of creators, Patreon is bringing patronage back to the 21st century.
You can delete your pledge whenever you want if you will change your mind, so don’t worry, we understand :)
One-off donations trough Paypal:
If you don’t care about Patreon bonuses and just want to do a one time donation, you can fill in the form below with the amount you prefer, to donate it trough Paypal. You can donate to [email protected]