Unseen News

The Unseen64 Server is now paid for all 2016!


Thanks to your support we were able to rise 600$ to pay the Unseen64 server for 2016! We are super happy :) Before to start to rise donations for the 2017 server (we probably could start the next year), future donations will be set aside in a “preservation fund“, for emergency site expenses, support for the Unseen64 Book Project and other equipment that could help the archive: all costs will be approved by our patrons, before to be used! Your support is super important for us and we’ll always ask for your vote before to use donations from the Preservation Fund :)

Thanks again for your help! 

Random interviews & info on lost games: Chapter 2

Our friend Ross Sillifant send us a lot of contributions every week, with info and interviews about lost videogames and their development, from different software houses and for various consoles / PC. To be able to publish all those info we’ll need a lot of time so we are adding these in the Unseen64 archive in different chapters, here’s the second part, be ready for a lot of obscure unseen games and canned ports of popular titles!

Prolific’s Return Fire 2 was also planned for Playstation 1 as well as PC. Edge Issue 58 has it previewed under PC/Playstation. PSX version was never released.

From an interview with Mick west, one of the developers behind the cancelled Big Guns for Playstation:

‘We did an futuristic racing game, a rally race game, a golf game, and a mech 3rd person shooter called “Big Guns”, which we eventually got Sony to let us do, and at about the same time landed the MDK gig. Big Guns was a fun game, but it kind of got designed out of existence by the Sony Producer, and eventually was cancelled. That’s a shame, but then that led to Apocalypse and hence Tony Hawk, so it’s all good.’

About the cancelled UNITY for GameCube: Jeff Minter’s chief sponsor at Lionhead, Pete Hawley, left whilst Jeff was working on Unity, and Jeff carried on for a while, but as he did Lionhead were getting closer and closer in regards to the relationship with Microsoft and Pete thinks Unity simply did’nt fit in with Microsoft’s plans for what MS wanted Lionhead to develop for their xbox hardware and instead let Jeff loose to develop it as the Virtual Light Machine for Xbox 360 instead. Pete also talked of how he so badly wanted Aphex Twin on-board to do the music for Unity, as that was “The Missing Piece”

About NATIVE II [Nuon]:  More info on why Jaguar version was canned:

Native was stopped because it was a Jag Server game (underground – so no official tools, no alpine, no cart, no CD) ALL code had to be loaded up in one go to ram so thats everything, in 2MB – it’s just not enough ram… on a bank switched cart there’d be AMPLE room, but Duranik are no longer interested in the project and nobody who’s taken it on later has really done much with it. […] Hmmm so this game could not be put onto a cart….Well even if they do bankswitching for it, They still didnt have enough work RAM he said …So did this 1 level game max out the RAM on the Jag for the 1 level so no Music/Weapons/Bosses….rotation effect could be added? Duranik did not have an official dev kit. That means they did not have the compression tools to put this on a 2 meg cart.


Dune: Ornithopter Assault [GBA – Cancelled]

Frank Herbert’s Dune: Ornithopter Assault is a cancelled flying / shooter game made by Soft Brigade that was going to be published on the Gameboy Advance by Cryo Interactive. Development of the game started in 2001, but in summer 2002 the project was shelved, even if it was basically finished (all the missions are completable), before submission to Nintendo due to Cryo’s financial difficulties.

This is the game’s fact-sheet published at the time in the official website, now offline:

Trained by Gurney Alleck, the most efficient and honoured officer of the House of Atreides, you are going to become a specialist in piloting and fighting ornithopters. Involved in all-out war for the spice, you must surpass all of your flying skill to survive the fall of the House of Atreides and help Paul and the Fremen in their fight for Arrakis.

  • Spectacular 3D Universe on Advanced Game Boy, seen from the cockpit of the ornithopter.
  • More than 20 different missions with various objectives simple recounting, escort duties, guarding, destroying troops and buildings, capturing vehicles, collecting spice and water, etc.
  • 5 solo and multiple player modes (using 2 cable linked Advanced Game Boy) with various levels of difficulty solo mission, campaign, joint campaign and deathmatch.
  • The first adaptation of Dune, the most famous of all science fiction universes, on hand held console.

Thankfully, a rom of Ornithopter Assault was leaked online and preserved. The game can be played on GBA emulators.




Do you love to write about videogames? Unseen64 needs your help!

volunteer writers for videogames

Note: this offer is ALWAYS valid, we keep searching for new people every month, every year, even NOW when you are reading this post!

There are some big projects coming up on Unseen64, so we really need to expand our staff for more help (currently, there are only a few people in the main staff). We are searching for new volunteer editors who are interested in writing and proofreading articles for this website.

We are searching for someone that is English native speaker (or that could write in English very well), who likes to write about video games (please, keep in mind: there will be A LOT to write, you cannot simply copy / paste info from Wikipedia) and who is capable of and passionate about digging up obscure info. He or she should be able to write at least 1 new article every 2 weeks or to proofread at least 1 article per week. Volunteer authors and editors will proofread and expand some of the descriptions for cancelled games that we already have in the Unseen64 archive and write new articles to remember even more lost titles. Are you interested?

Send us an email to [email protected] for more info!


The Unseen64 server for 2015 is 100% funded. Thank you!

With January’s donations from our patrons and other awesome people, this month we have reached our $300 goal to pay the servers for 2015! We are super happy to be able to keep the site online for another year with the help of our readers and friends and would like to thank you all for the support!


We also reached our second goal on Patreon, meaning Tamaki will create more Unseen64 Podcasts for all our patrons as a big “thank you!” for their help. There are some more goals in our Patreon page, as the creation of better documentary videos for beta & cancelled videogames, and even if we are still far away from the $250 goal to fully work on the Unseen64 Book, we are already starting to do some early organization for its content. You can give us your feedback about what you would like to see in the U64 Book in our forum.

Donations will now be put aside to pay the server for the next year too ($300) and when we’ll be financially secure enough to keep Unseen64 online in 2016, we can then hopefully start to work more on the Unseen64 Book.

2015 Server: 100% funded, thank you!


Current: $51
2016 Server Goal: $300


If you have suggestions and feedbacks, let us know in the comments below! :)

With <3, the Unseen64 Staff