Unseen News

Melon Brains [Beta – LaserActive]

Thanks to the LaserActive Preservation Project, we can take a look at a beta version of Melon Brains, a dolphin edutainment title for the platform. You can find the beta footage at the 5:30 mark in the video below. The main menu is in a very unfinished state, as is the interface while the video is playing – white boxes and stand-in text are in place of the later finalized icons and banners.

Thanks to Max Krieger for the contribution!



KotOR 1 & 2 beta restoration mods

The original Knights of the Old Republic had a lot of beta / unused stuff and KotOR 2: The Sith Lords, so many fans decided to work together to create a couple of mods for the PC version of the game to be able to play some of those beta elements that were changed or removed before the final version!

The KotOR 1 Restoration is an attempt to restore almost all the content that was cut from the game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic by BioWare Corp. Of course, these restorations will be within reason and things that were cut because they did not fit with the plot, and cannot be made to fit with the plot, will most definitely NOT be restored. Remember, this is only the demo, not the full mod.

Most of the content that has been released in this demo is from Taris. However, there are few pieces of restored content that pertain to Dantooine as well as a difficulty option restoration.

– Impossible Difficulty, a cut option for difficulty that is harder than the Vanilla “Hard” difficulty
– Carth dialogue when the PC first awakens on Taris, Carth makes a few comments about the PC’s injuries. (Thanks to zbyl2 for this!)
– Lower City, numerous restorations to the Lower City
– Under City, numerous restorations to the Under City
– Restoration of the Black Vulkar Base Sublevel
– Restored Droid Items
– Restoration of some dialgoue with Niklos in the Uppper City Cantina
– Restoration of the Duel Ring announcer in the Taris Upper City Cantina. The announcer will be available to speak to in between fights.
– Zaerdra Swoop Platform Dialogue, Zaerdra will make some final comments to the PC on the prototype accelerator before intitiating your first run with it
– Sith Base, numerous restorations
– Sarna and Yun Genda are available to talk to members of the same sex and can be used to further the plot of Taris. Albeit, in different ways than they normally do.
– Iriaz Restoration, returns the Iriaz to the plains of Dantooine. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
– Garrum and Tar’eelok Restoration, returns a cut padawan and master to the Jedi Enclave. (Thanks to Seamhiann for this!)
– Restoration of cut items within the Jedi Enclave
– Shen and Rahashia Indecent Proposal, the PC can make a rather indecent, and awkward, proposal to either Shen or Rahasia depending upon the PC’s gender.
– The file called plc_glowpudl.utp had the name of “Glowing Puddle” however when placed in game it looked like a blood puddle. The model file and textures have been changed so now the glowing puddle placeable makes a glowing puddle of green liquid. It can be seen in the new module, tar_m03ac, or the swoop platform non-racing version.
– Modified Iriaz from Seamhiann’s modules so there were less of them, they fought against the Kath Hounds, and usually stayed in their small areas.

The Sith Lords Restored Content Mod (TSLRCM). This mod’s intention is to restore much of the cut content to The Sith Lords, that was lost to the main game due to a rush to release the game. This rush also left the game with a plethora of bugs (some of which also blocked out content, so not everything restored was really “cut”, for example the quest ‘Corrun Falt’), this mod should seriously decrease the buginess that plagued TSL. 

Time Crisis Adventure [Xbox – Cancelled]

Time Crisis Adventure is a cancelled Xbox game pitch that started at Darkworks in 2003 after Capcom abandoned their other project, Lost Mantis. Time Crisis Adventure was a collaborative work with Namco US. In 2004, for unknown reasons, Namco dropped the title. However, Darkworks found a new publisher (Ubisoft) and it seems that they changed the game to release it as Cold Fear on both PS2 and Xbox in 2005 – with no references to the Time Crisis franchise.

Thanks to Warkdo for the contribution!


Knights of the Old Republic 1 Beta Restoration Update

ZM90 is back with a update for his latest project, the KotOR 1 Restoration! If you don’t know the KotOR 1 Restoration is a project that aims to bring most of KotOR’s beta content back into the game. Here are a couple of new (well new to U64) teasers.

There you have it folks. From ZM90’s estimation the project is 50% complete and no release date has been given. 

New N64 protos leaked: Mini Racers, Tamiya Racing and Wildwaters!

Thanks to all the people that donated for the fundraising to release these cancelled Nintendo 64 games, now Mini Racers, Tamiya Racing and Wildwaters are preserved and available to download! You should be able to play the ROMs with any N64 emulators or just have a look below for videos. Thanks a lot to the collectors that decided to share these pieces from their collection with everyone!
