Thank you! Yes, YOU!

Thank you! Yes, YOU!

In the last few months (from august 2014) we were able to get the Unseen64 database back online (some of you could remember that this site was down for months because of some technical issues) and to return to publish weekly updates to add all those unseen games that are still missing from the archive. We have many, MANY games and contributions that still need to be added to the U64 archive and with 1 or 2 new games added to the archive every week, we still have some years of work to do :)

Well, there’s no hurry. Unseen64 is fully back and we’ll be here as long as it’s needed, slowly remembering all those games that we’ll never play. With the new Unseen64 Forum hosted on Facebook (so it will not be lost again), our Twitter account for daily updates on the unseen gaming world, many ways to help U64, all the other gamers, youtubers and websites that also work to preserve beta, unreleased and unused gaming documents, it will probably be easier to save as much as it’s possible from these unseen videogames.

Unseen64 is still online thanks to all those awesome people that shared one-off donations and pledges on Patreon to help to pay the server cost. As we wrote before, we are at 65% of our goal to fully pay the U64 server for 2015 and continuing like this, together we’ll be able to keep the site online for all the following years.

We’d like to thank all these people (in random order) that help U64 with their donations:

Ash The Dragon, Shane G., Raphael P., Alex K., Anders I., Akspa, Martin, Elmo Bluegeek, Irvin, James S., Tony, Mark J., Samuel G., Justin J, Ethan M, Shawn O, Michele Z, Jordan A., Brendan A. and everyone else! (did we forget someone?)

 We <3 you

unseen64 thank you

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