
God Of War [PS2 – Beta]

God of War is an action adventure based on Greek mythology, released for the PlayStation 2 in 2005. The game was developed by Sony Computer Entertainment’s Santa Monica division. In the final game is possible to unlock a bonus room (the Character Graveyard), in which the developers have collected various beta enemies that were rejected and even early designs of some used ones. Thanks to GodOfWarProduction’s Youtube Channel we can have a look at all those unused enemies!

Also, in the very first GOW footage ever shown in 2004, we can notice a Beta HUD, slightly different Kratos, Beta Blades of chaos and Beta enemies. Also, another bonus video that can be unlocked in the final game, shows various removed levels and early prototypes!



Final Fantasy 8 [PSX – Unused Scenes]

In the Youtube channel of FF8demo there are a couple of videos that show unused scenes from FF8. In the descriptions we can read that: “Some stuff was never used in the final version of the game. This was taken from the “Final Fantasy VIII Preview Disc” that came with FF7.”

Some of the differences that we can find in these videos are:

  • Rinoa in the Dollet mission
  • music which isn’t in the final game
  • the first part on the sea, is different from the final introducion (they had yet to implement the various sentences)
  • during the Dollet mission, Squall, Zell, and (in the final version) Selphie wear their school uniforms, not their casual uniforms
  • even the FMV in the second one had to be redone to change the outfits and take out Rinoa.
  • Leviathan isn’t avalible at that point.
  • the person who shoots the oncoming robot is different
  • It’s not Selphie who acts as messenger

Thanks a lot to Robert Seddon and JargonJohn for these infos!



Time Splitters [PS2 – Beta]

TimeSplitters is a FPS developed by Free Radical Design (now known as Crytek UK) and published by Eidos on October 2000 in North America as a PlayStation 2 launch game.  Below you can see are a couple of beta videos of  the original Time Splitters, that seem to have some differences from the final version!

Thanks a lot to pacloser97 that noticed some of the beta stuff in the first video below:

The differences I am noticing are, in the full game there is a crosshair, the the guns move when turning, the first laser weapon shown seems to have a little less of a tint of red in the full game, the weapon shown at 0:36 doesn’t look like its final version counterpart, the level shown at 0:51 doesn’t look like its in the full game 0:55 also looks like a whole new level as well, at 1:31 at the top left screen the sniper isn’t in the full game.

Thanks to MicroChirp for the contribution!



Heavy Rain [PS3 – Beta]

Heavy Rain is an adventure game for the Ps3 developed by Quantic Dream, the same people behind Omikron and Fahrenheit. A Pc version was planned too,but scrapped early. The first official presentation of the game was at e3 2006 with a tech demo called “The Casting”, while the first gameplayer trailer was shown at GC 2008.

In a video about the making of Heavy Rain, embedded below, we can see some scenes that were removed from the final build:

  • Scott murdered his mother in the hospital.
  • Ethan “Blackouts” were supposed to happen inside a flooded house, which represented the killer’s mind.
  • Ethan took his son to school.
  • Madison had go to her newspaper headquarters.
  • The player could personalize Madison’s house repainting it and changing the apartment layout.
  • Madison suffered from insomnia because she was a war correspondent in Iraq in the past.




Rat Race [PS3 – Cancelled]

Rat Race was a comedy/adventure game, that was meant to be sold as individual episodes on the PlayStation Network Store. Rat Race was set in an office – an extremely dysfunctional one. The company was called BiggCo, and the people who were worked there… probably should have did something else. Your job was simply to make it through the day as bombs go off all around. [Info from Wikipedia]

At E3 2008, Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Worldwide Studios, announced that the game has been cancelled.

