Unseen News

[Project] The Axel Project: Half Life 2 beta restoration

Founded in 2009, The Axel Project aims to recreate the original Half Life 2 beta leak story line as envisioned by VALVe circa 2003. Their upcoming binary patch features numerous fixes to engine stability as well as the addition of retail engine features (such as background maps, bloom). For a full list of features and fixes, see The Axel Project blog!

Some key highlights:

* Updated water shader

– Fixed blackness

– Improved refraction

* Fixed several engine exploits

* Improved rendering performance

* Updated VGUI (transition effects and improved stability)

* Added FP16 HDR

– With luminance-based bloom

– Controllable via ConVars

* Fixed terrain morphing

* Added background map support

* Updated post processing shaders

* Fixed all reproducible bug reports from Alpha 1

* Fixed BSP V19 and V20 loading algorithm

* Improved overall security of engine and closed several exploits


The cancelled Titan A.E. game is almost restored

Based on the animated film with the same name, Titan AE for the playstation and PC was in development in 1999 by Blitz Games, but it was never released. Only a 1-level demo was somehow leaked online, but thanks to John Doom we can now play some more beta levels that were still hidden in there!

  • Tau14 (the original demo level)
  • Trade
  • Vigo 1st Prime
  • Drej Ship
  • Derelic ship

To activate these lost levels, you can download John Doom’s patch. Check the video description for more info.

Q:What is “A.E.FULLGAME_v1.ppf” ?

A:It’s a specific patch file for the psx demo disc “Titan A.E. Demo [U] [SLUS-90082]”

Q:So how can I patch the demo?

A:You need the program “PPF-O-MATIC” and a BIN image of “Titan A.E. Demo [U] [SLUS-90082]”. You guessed it! (I hope…): select the demo image in “ISO File” and “A.E.FULLGAME_v1.ppf” in “Patch”. Ok, now press on Apply and… GG! the demo is patched and now you can play 5 levels!


[Project] The Advent Rising restoration

As we read in the Advent Rising beta article, there were a lot of stuff planned for the game that never made it into the final, especially in the PC version. Advent Revising is a fan-made patch  that aims to restore the cinematics of Advent Rising to their intended quality. This English patch adds back thirteen movie files cut from the PC version of the game, corrects cases of desync and playback errors present in cutscenes, corrects and retimes all of the game’s subtitles, enables full 4:3 display with Vsync and trilinear filtering, and adds additional functionality to the player such as teleportation and level skip.


Sunman [NES – Cancelled]

Sunman is an cancelled NES action game made by Sunsoft which was supposed to be released in 1992. The most interesting aspect about this game is that originally Sunman was going to be a Superman game, and playing it is not hard to spot the resemblances: both heroes have a similar costume and the same powers. We don’t know why in the end Sunsoft didn’t get the official license from DC comics but probably the software house thought that it was a bad idea to spend a remarkable amount of money for a game planned for a rapidly aging console.

Other than that, Sunman was just an anonymous side-scroller game with below-average controls and only five stages, not exactly an appealing new entry for the NES market of the time. Nothing too strange, then, that Sunsoft decided to shelf it for good.


However, Sunsoft’s Superman survives as a Genesis game, as reported on Wikipedia. The game was published in the same year of Sunman’s prototype, 1992. While the graphic is better so that it can fit a 16bit console like Genesis , the game concept is still quite the same as the NES version. In fact, Superman/Sunman’s moves are the same (except that in the Genesis version he can also fire beams from his eyes) and some maps’ design is very close to the NES version. We can actually say that Genesis’ Superman is what we could’ve seen on NES.

John Doom is trying to make a complete Superman NES game using Sunman, creating and replacing Sunman’s sprites with Superman. You can try the game on John Doom’s space. It runs on vnes, an applet nes emulator (You need Java in order to play the game).




2 e 3 Ottobre 2010: Video Games History a Monza (Italy)

This article is only in Italian, sorry!

Questo weekend, sabato 2 e domenica 3 ottobre 201o si terrà il Video Games History a Monza, esposizione videoludica (con ingresso gratuito!) organizzata dai ragazzi di Games Collection. Fra retrogames, tornei multiplayer per le ultime console, video storici e pubblicità d’epoca (ocio però!), incontri fra nerd e discussioni filosofiche, un’area-museo dedicata a tutti gli amanti di unseen games: alcuni prototipi e beta provenienti dalle raccolte private dei maggiori collezionisti italiani.

Anche quest’anno parte dello staff di Unseen 64 sarà presente all’evento, per infastidire i collezionisti cercando di recuperare video dei loro prototipi, perdersi per ore a parlare della beta di Zelda 64, esplodere a ripetizione nel torneo di Bomberman Live e tentare di presentare un breve documentario sui migliori videogames cancellati dal NES all’Xbox 360. Ce la faranno i nostri eroi?

Per accordi sul meeting dello staff e dei lettori di U64, potete lasciare un messaggio di commento a questo post oppure mandarci una email a [email protected]

Per maggiori informazioni sull’evento date un’occhiata alla pagina dedicata al VGH 2010 su Games Collection.

Il VGH 2010 si svolgerà presso l’URBAN CENTER di MONZA, Via Filippo Turati 8 (a due passi dalla stazione dei treni) nei giorni di sabato 2 ottobre dalle ore 10.00 alle 19.00 e domenica 3 ottobre della ore 9.30 alle 18.00. Ecco il luogo dell’evento su Google Maps.

Sabato 2 ottobre:

  • ore 10.00 apertura evento e Negozi videogames, Action Figures e fumetti.
  • ore 11.00 e seguenti inizio tornei Fifa 11 1 vs 1 e Multiplayer. In più tornei vari con i ragazzi di Arcade Extreme e Jagfest
  • ore 12.00 visite guidate al Museo
  • ore 15.00 conferenza sul tema: “Gli albori dell’ideazione e produzione di videogiochi in Italia”
  • ore 18.00 premiazione tornei
  • ore 19.30 AFTER-PARTY con bitmusic, chiptune e VJ Visualoop

Domenica 3 ottobre:

  • ore 9.30 apertura evento e Negozi videogames, Action Figures e fumetti.
  • ore 11.00 e seguenti inizio tornei Street Fighter IV e tornei vari (in fase di decisione)*
  • ore 12.00 inizio Primo Campionato Italiano di Pong
  • ore 14.45 conferenza sul tema: “La preservazione del passato videoludico e i suoi protagonisti”
  • ore 15.30 presentazione dei pezzi più rari e particolari esposti
  • ore 17.30 premiazioni tornei
  • ore 18.00 chiusura e ringraziamenti


Ecco alcuni video fatti durante il Video Games History degli scorsi anni: