shot ’em up

Fallen Frontier [PC / XBLA / PSN – Cancelled]

Fallen Frontier is a 2d shooter developed by Moonshot Games which was supposed to be released for PC, XBLA and PSN. As we can see from the video and the screenshots below, it seems that the game was directly inspired by Bionic Commando, inasmuch as the main character could use his grappling hook to pull enemies and to swing across gaps. An offline and online co-op mode was also planned.

It looked quite interesting, but unfortunately Moonshot Games decided to cancel Fallen Frontier in 2013  because, as we can read on joystiq, they wanted to focus on mobile and social games instead:

Post-PAX we came to the grim realization that the market had shifted pretty substantially since we first started working on the game,” Isla said. “The console downloadable platforms had plateaued somewhat, and publishers were less excited about investing there. A game that had sold itself easily the first two times all of a sudden became a much harder sell the third time. By that time, the real interest and the accompanying dollars seemed to had moved on to mobile and social.”

For more informations check the co-optimus hands-on.




Megalopolice: Tokyo City Battle [Sega 32x – Tech Demo/ Cancelled ?)

Megalopolice: Tokyo City Battle is a AS-1 ridefilm created by SEGA in 1993. Going by the screenshots below and the few information available, it seems that somehow SEGA planned a 32x game based on the eponymous virtual ride, but the project was probably quickly canceled some time after the announcement like many other games for the ill-fated  add-on.


Warhawk 2 [PSX – Cancelled]

Warhawk 2 is the cancelled sequel of the original Warhawk for the PSX. Warhawk 1 was a futuristic arcade-style flight-combat game for the PlayStation 1, developed by SingleTrac and released by Sony in 1995. This should not be confused with the multiplayer-only remake of the same name, developed by Incognito Entertainment and released on the PlayStation 3 in 2007. [Info from Wikipedia]

Warhawk 2 was probably in development in 1996 / 1997 by Sony Interactive Studios / 989 Studios, but the project was soon canned for unknown reasons. The SingleTrac studio was closed down in 2000. A group of SingleTrac employees broke off and formed the game studio Incognito Entertainment in 1999.

Thanks to Matthew for the contribution!
