New Cancelled Games & Their Lost Media Added to the Archive

Extreme G [N64 – Beta / Tech Demo]


Extreme G was just one of the many “extravagant” racing game that were released on the Nintendo 64. Developed as an alternative to F-Zero and Wipeout, the game was created by Probe Entertainment and published by Acclaim. When it was announced, some early pictures were released to show the graphic of the project. The 2 original screens are probably taken from a tech demo / target render, as the graphic is much more defined than the final version.

The other images are taken from a Beta version: we can see in the bottom left of the screen, some debug bars, used by developers  to check the 3D engine parameters, such as the effort of the CPU and fluidity. The game still lacked many of the on-screen HUD, the speed was indicated with a needle and simple colored bars, while the lap-time was occupying too much of the screen.

italian_flag.jpg [spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]Extreme G è stato uno dei tanti racing game stravaganti che ha potuto vantare il Nintendo 64. Sviluppato come alternativa a F-Zero e Wipeout, il gioco è stato creato da Probe Entertainment e pubblicato da Acclaim. Quando fu annunciato, probe diffuse alcune immagini del gioco, per mostrare lo stile del suo nuovo progetto. Le 2 foto iniziali sono tratte probabilmente da un tech demo, creato su hardware più potente rispetto ad un normale Nintendo 64 e la grafica è molto più definita della versione finale. Le altre foto sono tratte dalla versione Beta vera e propria: possiamo infatti notare, in basso a sinistra, le barre di testing, usate dai programmatori per tenere controllati alcuni parametri del motore 3D, come lo sforzo della CPU e la fluidità. Mancavano ancora molte delle indicazioni su schermo, l’indicatore della velocità era segnalato da un semplice ago con barre colorate, mentre il tempo del percorso sembrava fin troppo grande e fastidioso, occupando parte della visuale. [/spoiler]



Extreme G 2 [N64 – Beta]


Extreme-G 2 is the second Extreme-G game to be released on the Nintendo 64, developed by Probe Entertainment for Acclaim. In these early screens we can notice some beta differences and graphic details. Thanks to Mucus for the list!

The Difference Of The Beta Version And The Original Version:

  • The Track Canous In The Beta Version Appears With No Snow, Looks Likes A Desert With Rocks
  • In The Beta Version You Can Use The Opponent Bike”s
  • Different HUD
  • Different Texture Of Sensara
  • Different Aquanor Level

Thanks to playertw02 for some of these images!


Montezuma’s Return [N64 – Cancelled]


Montezuma’s Return is a action adventure game and the sequel to the original Parker Brothers game Montezuma’s Revenge. It was released for PC in 1998: a Nintendo 64 version was planned too, but it was cancelled for unknow reasons. A screenshot from the presumed N64 version was shown in an old issue of Nintendo Power, but it could have been taken from the PC version.
