Unseen News


A list of good resources for unseen games and related beta stuff


Affiliates / Friends:

  • GS Central: the #1 game enhancer website on the world wide web today with over 2.1 million codes. GS Central was created in 1998 to ensure code creators everywhere would have a haven for proper code credit.
  • Zelda Chronicles:  The latest news and media on The Legend of Zelda for Nintendo Wii, 3DS, and DS, game guides, images and videos for every Legend of Zelda title.
  • Resident Evil Beta: a german site dedicated to the beta versions of the Resident Evil / Bio Hazard saga, with articles and an huge image gallery
  • DKC Atlas: an archive with articles, media and maps about the Donkey Kong Country series. The best DKC Community can be find in there!
  • The Snake Soup: one of the largest and oldest Metal Gear fansites, that covers Metal Gear related news as well as features game reviews, opinion pieces, myth debunking articles, short video clips all with a strong satirical humorist editorial format.
  • VideoLamer: the serious gamers site since 1776.
  • Chrono Compendium: Chrono Compendium is a fan site for the games Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Radical Dreamers, featuring a complete MediaWiki-powered Encyclopedia.. and much more!
  • Nintendarea: Sito di fans Nintendo italiani, una raccolta di news, recensioni e alcuni argomenti esclusivi come interviste e podcast, organizza anche tornei a premi e il suo staff è consapevole che Sony e Microsoft sono società popolate da nani ad encefalogramma piatto.
  • SBboard: forums, toons, games, videos.. I caught a sea bass! See? Bass!
  • Shadowkc.com: Sonic + Tails Official Web Site Known as Shadow K.C. Studios!
  • Start-Game [Uruguay]: Start-Game es una comunidad Uruguaya (abierta a personas de cualquier parte del mundo) dedicada pura y exclusivamente a videojuegos de consola.
  • Sega CD Universe: The Sega CD is an add-on peripheral for the Sega Genesis that allows the use of CD-ROM games specially written for the Sega CD system.  In this website you can find lots of info and images about the released and unreleased Sega CD games!
  • Those Guys: the quintessential entertainment site with information about everything video games, pop culture, and retro, there is little they don’t cover at this point. Those Guys strive to stand out in an oversaturated world composed of tumblr reblogs from twitter. They like to give an emphasis to original content by members of their team as well as featuring overlooked content found elsewhere.

Unseen Web:

Nintendo Ultra 64 Betas:

  • N64 Previews: link a preview di IGN su alcuni dei più vecchi giochi per Nintendo 64, di cui molti mai usciti.
  • Shoshinkai 1995: un lungo articolo dedicato a questa fiera giapponese in cui nel 1995 fu presentato per la prima volta il Nintendo Ultra 64.
  • robotech 64: un ottima pagina con foto ed un lungo speciale sulla storia di Robotech: Crystal Dreams ed i motivi della sua cancellazione.
  • Nintendo 64 1996: un vecchio sito amatoriale che non aggiornano ormai da anni, con previews e speciali sul Nintendo 64.
  • Ultra 64 Annunced: una pagina con l’annuncio delle prime specifiche dell’N64 ed una lista dei primi giochi annunciati.
  • Nintendo 64 beta Videos: moltissimi link con vecchi video di giochi per N64, anche se alcuni non funzionano più.
  • N64 Techs: una lunghissima pagina piena di articoli sui vari aspetti tecnici della console, scan di vecchi giornali, informazioni sullo sviluppo, back-up unit, links a vecchi siti per 64.
  • Ultra 64 Debuts 1996: un altro sito con i primi annunci del Nintendo Ultra 64, informazioni sui giochi presentati, specifiche tecniche.
  • N64 Games Screenshots: pagina con links a tantissime immagini di giochi per N64, se siete fortunati qualcuna funziona ancora.
  • N64 Info page: un altro vecchio sito aggiornato l’ultima volta nel 1996 con pagine dedicate ai giochi per N64 e molti screenshots.
  • N64 Paradise: sito di preview di giochi Nintendo 64, con informazioni e rumors anche su titoli mai usciti (Thornado 64).
  • 64DD Informations: pagina con una lista di tutti i giochi che sarebbero dovuti uscire per questo Add-on per Nintendo 64.
  • Rare Witch Project: ottimo sito dedicato a RARE, con degli ottimi speciali su Beta e Game Shark Hacking, lo Stop’n’Swop di Banjo & Kazooie e GoldenEye face mapping.
  • World 64: vecchie preview di giochi Nintendo 64 e le release list ufficiali di titoli mai usciti.
  • 64DD.net: sito ricco di informazioni, foto e video beta sul Nintendo 64DD
  • Opus Robotech Crystal Dreams: forse il sito di un programmatore che ha lavorato a questo gioco mai rilasciato per Nintendo 64, contiene foto mai viste, video e la ROM beta!
  • N64 Unreleased & Prototype: scoperto per caso attraverso google, questo album di immagini contiene molti screenshot beta anche introvabili.
  • Haydn Dalton: il sito personale di un game designer, che ha lavorato su alcuni prototipi per Nintendo 64 e altre console. Nel sito è possibile trovare info e foto dei suoi progetti unreleased!

Zelda Betas, Unseen & Beta Quest:

  • Zelda Chaos: probabilmente il miglior sito dedicato alle beta ed unseen dei vari Zelda tridimensionali, con un grandissimo archivio di screenshot ordinati perfettamente in varie sezioni
  • Zelda 64 URA Project History: il sito dedicato alla storia dello sviluppo di Zelda 64, a partire dall’annuncio del gioco per 64DD, le prime informazioni, i vari stadi di sviluppo del gioco, della sua rovina e rinascita in svariati titoli ben distinti fra loro.
  • Zelda’s Secret Ocarina: un altro ottimo sito pieno di immagini delle varie beta di Zelda, glitches e codici GameShark vari.
  • The BS Zelda Page: il migliore (e forse unico) sito dedicato interamente agli episodi di Zelda per il BS-X del Super Nintendo, unseen, moltissime immagini e rom hack.
  • TRL Beta Quest: il primo sito che si dedicò seriamente allo studio delle Beta Quest, con codici GameShark ed articoli.
  • Odissey Of Hyrule: sito pieno di foto, informazioni ed articoli vari sui misteri e gli unseen di Zelda 64, GameShark e Triforce Hunt.
  • Oddity of Hyrule: dallo stesso autore di Odissey, un altro sito con screenshots beta, informazioni e speciali dedicato a Majora’s Mask.
  • Z64 Station: un ottimo sito ancora in aggiornamento, con video e screenshot beta, hacking e un forum con discussioni sulle beta di Zelda. Hanno la Debug Rom, informazioni e patch per raggiungere le beta room.
  • Zelda Coalition Forum: uno dei pochi forum ancora attivi sempre alla ricerca di beta ed informazioni su hacking delle rom per esplorare le beta quest. Sicuramente uno dei migliori forum dove trovare discussioni sulle scoperte della Debug Rom, codici e immagini esclusive!
  • Ocarina Of Time Debug Version: informazioni sulla rom Debug, su come farla partire negli emu ed immagini su alcune delle scoperte.
  • Cendamos Site: il sito del ragazzo che è riuscito ad hackare parte della Debug Rom per accedere alle stanze Beta! inoltre si possono trovare altri hacking interessanti per vari giochi

Various Unseen, Beta, Prototype pages:

  • japan unseen: sito JP con molti scan di vecchi giornali e foto con beta ed unseen di vari giochi, sopratutto RPG.
  • Resident Evil 1.5: dedicato interamente alla beta di Resident Evil 1.5 con moltissime foto ed informazioni.
  • Resident Evil Betas: un altro sito sulle beta ed unseen dei vari Resident Evil, con foto ed approfondimenti.
  • Assembler: sito dedicato sopratutto all’hardware più strano, console semi-sconosciute, prototipi e developer unit.
  • VG Graveyard: uno speciale di GameSpot sui vari giochi cancellati nel corso degli anni sulle varie console, a partire dal NES fino ad arrivare a quelle di nuova generazione.
  • Game Zero: vecchi articoli e speciali sui vari E3 risalenti alla metà degli anni 90.
  • Nintendo Repository: Liste ed immagini su vecchi e rari titoli per Nintendo, Super Nintendo e GameBoy.
  • Internet Archive: un sito utilissimo, in cui potrete trovare archiviati i siti nelle loro versioni originali di anni passati e le loro varie evoluzioni, perfetto per andare a rivedere vecchi siti di Videogame con articoli e foto sui primi annunci dei vari giochi.
  • Video Gaming Console History: un sito con un’infinità di foto di praticamente tutte le console mai esistite, a partire dal 1972 fino ad oggi, compresi prototipi ed unreleased.
  • Sonic Cult & X-Cult: pagina con alcune foto e informazioni, di beta per vari giochi, con sezioni NES, SNES, 64 e Dreamcast, oltre che un forum ricco di appassionati, dove spesso si trovano scan e foto unseen.
  • PSX Galleria: sito con moltissime foto, speciali e news di vecchi giochi per Playstation a partire dal 1995.
  • Andon-Jv: sito francese con immagini e video su diversi giochi Beta per Nintendo 64, Megadrive e GameCube.
  • Lost Levels: sito con articoli su giochi beta o poco conosciuti!
  • Sonic Extreme Compendium: sito dedicato alla beta di Sonic Extreme per Saturn
  • Gaming Intellicence Agency: un backup di questo vecchio sito pieno di news ed immagini
  • wikipedia: un ottima risorsa per informazioni su giochi, qui lincata una lista di giochi mai usciti suddivisi per la varie console
  • The Horror is Alive: sito sulla saga di resident evil, con indagini sulle beta dei vari giochi!
  • War MECH’s Domain: sito sulla saga di Final Fantasy, con una sezione dedicata alle versioni beta e agli screenshot insoliti dei vari episodi!
  • ???: sito giapponese dove non si capisce bene che pagine si visitano, però in alcune ci sono foto beta! se avete il coraggio di provare a visitarlo potreste trovare qualcosa
  • The Hidden Palace: sito da dove potrete scaricare alcune rom in versione beta di giochi super nintendo e mega drive [genesis].
  • Games That Weren’t: un grande archivio di informazioni e media per vecchi giochi cancellati o incompleti, per Amiga, Commodore 64 e PC!
  • Playstation Museum: un ottimo sito che raccoglie notizie e media sulla storia della prima console SONY, con un ricco elenco di giochi beta ed unreleased!
  • NES World: un sito dedicato alla prima console nintendo, con molte pagine di informazioni e una sezione dedicata ai giochi cancellati!
  • GamesCollection: Sito Dedicato al Collezionismo di Videogames e Retrogaming.
  • Abandonware-magazines: un grande archivio che raccoglie immagini prese da vecchie riviste francesi di videogame, anni ’80 e ’90!
  • Abandonware-videos: collezione di video di trasmissioni videoludiche francesi, dai primi anni ’80 fino ai ’90!
  • XBOX Gamer: sito francese dedicato alla console Microsoft, nella sezione Dossiers hanno realizzato degli ottimi articoli, elencando molti giochi xbox mai rilasciati!
  • Konix Multi System: sito dedicato a questa misteriosa console, dalle proposte rivoluzionarie mai realizzate, a causa del suo abbandono.
  • Unreleased Game Systems: lista ed informazioni sulle console annunciate ma in seguito abbandonate prima della loro uscita.
  • Atari Jaguar Net: foto e info su giochi Jaguar cancellati.
  • SNES Central: un ottimo articolo, con informazioni e foto di titoli mai rilasciati per la console a 16 Bit di Nintendo!
  • The Warp Zone: dedicato alle beta & unreleased per NES!
  • World Of Spectrum: ENORME archivio con scan di riviste di videogiochi dalla metà anni 80 ai primi del 90.
  • NEO-GEO Protos: pagina con informazioni e foto su alcuni titoli abbandonati per neo geo.
  • PC Engine FX: un articolo con materiale beta scoperto nei codici di alcuni videogames per Turbo Grafx
  • Sttnw: blog di una misteriosa “surfer girl” che ci diletta con informazioni esclusive direttamente dai dietro le quinte del mondo degli sviluppatori.

SEGA Betas:

  • Project Berkley Story (Shen Mue): un ottima pagina con le varie tappe storiche dello sviluppo di ShenMue, i primi rumors ed annunci.
  • Shen Mue Screenshot: immagini ed art work
  • Shen Mue Dojo: probabilmente il miglior sito su ShenMue della rete, grazie anche alle ottime sezioni dedicate agli unseen e le varie beta del Project Berkley.
  • Dreamcast Prototypes & Betas: informazioni ed immagini sulle beta ed i vari prototipi di giochi Dreamcast.
  • Segagagadomain: sito dedicato alle console SEGA, in particolare al Dreamcast e Saturn, con una sezione Download tramite FTP dove potrete trovare numerosi video ed immagini beta!
  • SEGA Katana.com: sito dedicato a prototipi, software e hardware di sviluppo dell’ultima console di casa SEGA!
  • The Sonic Xtreme Archive: elenco di immagini, video e documenti sullo sviluppo di questo leggendario gioco per Saturn.
  • SMS Power!: sito dedicato alla documentazione sulla storia delle console SEGA ad 8 bit, fra cui Master System e Game Gear, con articoli ed informazioni anche su titoli beta.



Would you like to contribute to the Unseen 64 Archive, with infos, screens or videos? Send us an e-mail or join our forum! This beta archive can grows up thanks to your support!

We are collecting beta screens & videos from many years and even friends have given to us some of them, so for a lot of this stuff we don’t remember or know where we found them! We are sorry if there are some images or video on the site without any credit, so if you know for certain the source for them, just send us an e-mail and we will update the page with the source, or if you want we will delete them!

There are a lot of people that help U64, if we have forgot to mention someone in here, send us an email! We’ll try to update this Contributors list as often as we can :) If we missed someone, please let us know!

[last update: 19 July 2009]

Want to help the Unseen 64 Archive? Read how to!

Thank you for your help! :)

Would you like to help us to pay the U64 server? Donate now!


NES World (www.nesworld.com) has contribuited to:
– many NES unreleased images

SNES Central (www.evan.whattheboat.com) has contribuited to:
– many SNES unreleased images

SMS Power (www.smspower.org) has contribuited to:
– many SMS, GG unreleased images

Hey Hey (Superannuation) has contribuited to:
– many links, info & screens from cancelled games

Resident Evil Beta.de has contribuited to:
– many screens and info about the Resident Evil betas

Yakumo (Segagaga Domain)has contribuited to:

– Shin Shinobi Den [Saturn – Beta]

– Panzer Dragoon [Saturn – Proto / Beta]

– Cyber Speedway [Saturn – Beta]

– Metal Gear Solid 4 [PS3 – Beta]

– Unseen Interviews: Yakumo from Segagagadomain

– Chinese Detective [Saturn – Cancelled?]

– NiGHTS into Dreams [Saturn – Beta]

– & many more!

ABetaName has contribuited to:
– Aliens: Colonial Marines [DS – Cancelled]

Airfoemoe has contribuited to:

– Conker: Live & Uncut images

Al Carlson has contribuited to:

– The Roots info

FullMetalMC has contribuited to:

– HALO 2 Beta info & images

– HALO Beta info & images

– Kirby 64 images

– Sonic Adventure 2 Images

– Sonic 2006 images

– Project EGO (Fable) images

– New Super Mario Bros images

– HALO 3 images

– Pokemon Ruby & Sapphire images

– Sonic 1 images

– Team fortress 2 info & images

– Viva Pinata info & images

– & many more!

Andy Harrington has contribuited to:

– Final Fantasy 7 images

– Final Fantasy Tactics images

Andy Lindfeldt has contribuited to:

– The Last Ninja 4

Andrea Cogoni has contribuited to:

– Saboteur [PSX – Cancelled]

Anonimo has contribuited to:

– Mario Kart GameCube intro

ArnoldRimmer83 has contribuited to:

– Space Ace [NES – Unreleased]

Batzarro has contribuited to:

– HALO MMO / Titan [X360/PC? – Cancelled]

Blue has contribuited to:

– Taxi Driver [XBOX / PS2 – Cancelled]

Borman (www.ptop.aborman.com) has contribuited to:

– Diablo Gameboy images

– Interview With a Made Man images

– ATV3: Lawless images

– & many more!

Bosco has contribuited to:

– Super Mario 64 Beta Remake

BowsersEnemy has contribuited to:

– Animal Crossing [GC – Debug Rooms]

– Megaman X3

– Various Megaman unseen stuff
– & much More!

Cyrax151 has contribuited to:

– Twisted Metal Black 2: Harbor City [PS2 – Cancelled]

– Twisted Metal Black [PS2 – Unused Stuff]

Celine has contribuited to:

– Wild Metal Country 64 [N64 – Unreleased]
– Superman 64 [N64 – Proto / Tech Demo]

– Caesar Palace 64 [N64 – Cancelled]

– D2 [M2 – Cancelled ]

– Castlevania Resurrection [DC – Cancelled]
– Geist Force [DC – Cancelled]

– Elric [PSX – Cancelled]

– Barb Wire [PSX – Cancelled]

– Too Human [PSX – Cancelled]

– Powerslide FX [SNES / 3DO – Unreleased]

– Don / Unknow Taito Game [SNES – Unreleased?]

– Sound Fantasy [SNES – Unreleased]

– FX Fighter (Fighting Polygon) [SNES – Unreleased]

– Virtua Fighter [Arcade / Saturn – Beta]

– Dexter’s Laboratory Robot Rumble [XBOX/PS2/GC – Cancelled]

– Turrican 3D [PC – Cancelled]

– Black Isle’s Torn [PC – Cancelled]

– Mad World [Wii – Beta / Prototype]

– Thornado [N64 – Prototype]

– Green Beret / Rush’n Attack [GBC – Cancelled]

– Ascendant [X360 PS3 – Cancelled]

– Record of the Elf Saga [PSX – Cancelled]

– Bayonetta [XBOX 360 / PS3 – Prototype]

– Daikatana [PC – Beta]

– Mr. Nutz / Timet [Amiga – Beta]

– & many more!

Ceno has contribuited to:

– Dawn Of Darkness [Unreleased? Released for the PC]
– Druid: Demons Of The Mind [Saturn – Released in Japan!]
– Hybrid (Virtuoso) [PSX – Unreleased? Just in USA]

Chentzilla has contribuited to:

– The Lost info

Chocomarker1 has contribuited to:
– Cut Away [DC – Cancelled]

Chris Covell has contribuited to:

– Zelda 2 SNES Tech Demo info

Cobra Blade has contribuited to:

– Chakan dreamcast infos

Cobra has contribuited to:

– Soulless [Mac – Beta]

Conrad Coldwood has contribuited to:

– Blood [PC – Beta / Prototype]

Cubivore10 has contribuited to:

– Clay Fighter 2 [SNES – Beta]
– Monster Party [NES – Beta]
– Super Paper Mario [GC – Cancelled]
– Clay Fighter Extreme (63 1/3) [N64 – Tech Demo]

Dark Biohazard has contribuited to:
– Resident Evil 2 Trial [PSX – Beta]

Dark Rayman has contribuited to:

– Super SMASH Bros Melee info

– Zelda: Phantom Hourglass info

– & more

DaRk_ViVi has contribuited to:

– Aliens: Colonial Marines [DS – Cancelled]

– Dead Space [XBOX – Prototype]

– Redwood Falls [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

– Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door [GC – Unused Beta Sprites]

Daeke has contribuited to:

– [Unseen Changes] Alex Kidd vs Anmitsu Hime

David Costa Mano has contribuited to:

– Breaker info & images

Discrosh has contribuited to:

– Donkey Kong Country 3 [SNES – Beta / Unused Stuff]

D-Vide has contribuited to:

– 007 Goldeneye 64 images

– Rev Limit images

– Starforx 64 images

– Half Life 2 Images

– Splinter Cell images

Domenico “Diduz” (www.lucasdelirium.it) has contribuited to:

– Sam & Max Freelance Police article

Dominus has contribuited to:

– Ultima 8: The Lost Vale [PC – Cancelled]

Drake Lake has contribuited to:
– Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II [PC – Beta]
– Tiberium [PS3/X360 – Cancelled]

Dreamcast.es has contribuited to:
– Hellgate [Dreamcast – Cancelled]

Earthwormjim has contribuited to:
– Earthworm Jim [SNES/MD – Beta]
– Earthworm Jim 2 [MD/G – Beta]
– Halo 2 [XBOX – Beta / Concept]

Eric Scharf has contribuited to:
– Hellcatraz: Escape from the rock [PSX – Cancelled]

Federico has contribuited to:

– Space Ranger [CDI – Unreleased]

– Spyborgs [Wii – Beta]

Fishinsoup has contribuited to:

– Highlander: The Gathering [PC – Cancelled]

Franck has contribuited to:
– Orchid [XBOX/PS2 – Cancelled]

Gabriel Juan (Kogami) has contribuited to:

– Dragon Ball Z: Cell To Kogeki Da [3DO] images

– Dragon Ball GT Tech Demo images

Gamepopper101 has contribuited to:

– Momma Can I Mow The Lawn? [Gizmondo – Cancelled]
– Strong Bad’s Cool Game for Attractive People [Wii – Beta]
– pOp [Wii – Beta]

George S has contribuited to:

– Unknow TAITO SNES game

Gerror has contribuited to:

– Time Shift images

– GTA4 images

Granville has contribuited to:

– Kirby Super Star Ultra [DS – Beta]
– Megaman Starforce [DS – Prototype]
– Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days [DS – Beta]

Gilgamesh has contribuited to:

– EggHead Shred info & images

– & many more!

GlitterBerri has contribuited to:

– Final Fantasy VII unused text translation project

– Tranlastion for the Chrono Trigger prerelease video

– Interesting infos about the Zelda 64 development

– New OoT Developer Interview translation

– Unused SaGa Frontier text now translated!

– Chrono Cross: the unseen interview

– & more!

GoldS has contribuited to:

– Mega Man X [SNES – Unused Stuff]
– Mega Man X-2 [SNES – Beta]
– Kirby’s Dream Course [SNES – Beta / Unused]
– Mega Man X-3 [SNES – Unused Stuff]

Guru Larry has contribuited to:
– Jet Set Radio [Wii – Concept]

Harvey Smith has contribuited to:

– Technosaur info & images

Haydn Dalton (www.haydndalton.com) has contribuited to:

– Forever Dragonz 64 images

– Dead Ahead 64 images

– Orcus images

– Solar Jetman images

– The Contract images

– Wile E’s Revenge [Roadrunner 2] images

Henrique Resende has contribuited to:

– Pokèmon SNAP images

– Sim City 64DD images

– Super Mario RPG 2 images

Helegad has contribuited to:
– Resident Evil 3 [PSX – Beta]
– Resident Evil 2 Trial [PSX – Beta]

Hyde_PL has contribuited to:
– Murder City [PC – Cancelled?]

HPZr from Crash Mania has contribuited to:

– Crash Bandicoot [PSX – Beta]
– Crash Bandicoot 2 [PSX – Beta]
– Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped [PSX – Beta]
– Cortex Chaos [PS2 – Cancelled]
– Crash Twinsanity [PS2/XBOX – Beta]
– Crash Bandicoot XS / The Huge Adventure [GBA – Beta]

Ita has contribuited to:

– For the Frog the Bell Tolls Remake [GBC – Cancelled]

Jay has contribuited to:

– many english translations and fixes!

Jenkins has contribuited to:

– Take the Bullet images

– Metropolis Street Racer images

– Shrapnel images

– Heroes of Might and Magic III images

– Dreamcast Tech Demo images

– Internet Game Pack images

– Monster Breed Image

– Sonic Adventure 2 Beta Tape

– Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Driver 2 images

– PBA Tour Bowling 2001 images

– & more

Jose Felipe Riveros Navarro has contribuited to:

– Paper Mario debug rooms images

Joel has contribuited to:

– Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom [PS2/XBOX/GC – Beta]

Kamekheimer has contribuited to:

– Under the Skin [PS2 – Beta]

Keith Sass has contribuited to:

– Super Mario Bros 3 info & images

OKei / KeijiDragon has contribuited to:
– The Simpsons: Virtual Bart [SNES/MD/G – Beta]
– & more!

KEK8 has contribuited to:

– Shenmue / Project Berkley [DC – Beta / Tech Demo]
– The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess [Beta]
– Batman [NES – Beta]
– Resident Evil 2 Trial [PSX – Beta]

Kiddohas contribuited to:
– Castlevania: The Bloodletting [32X – Cancelled]
– Nintendo BS-X Preservation

Kyle has contribuited to:
– Backstage [PS2/GC/PC – Cancelled]

lazrpo1nt3r has contribuited to:
– Resident Evil 2 beta Video
– Burning Rangers beta video
– Zelda Ocarina Of Time beta video
– 1080° Snowboarding Beta Video
– & more?

Leatherface74 has contribuited to:

– Resident Evil 2 Beta Backgrounds Comparison

LeoTCK has contribuited to:

– Unreal P [PSX – Cancelled]
– Unreal [PC – Beta / Tech Demo]

Linkin800 has contribuited to:
– Super Mario Bros 3 [NES – Beta]
– Wario Land 4 [GBA – Unused Stuff]

Lionheart has contribuited to:
– WWF SmackDown! [PSX – Beta]

Longuist has contribuited to:

– Silicon Valley [N64 – Concept / Beta]

lopyod has contribuited to:

– Rick Dangerous Advance info & images

Lord deathsaur has contribuited to:

– Super Mario Galaxy [Wii – Beta]
– Spyro The Dragon [PSX – Beta]
– Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts [X360 – Concept / Beta]
– Foo [PC – Cancelled]
– BIONICLE: Legend of Mata Nui [PC – Unreleased]
– & more!

MajorasWrath97 has contribuited to:
Removed character from Pokemon Gold & Silver

Maciej has contribuited to:

– Mandrake: The Shadow of the Vehme [GBA – Unreleased]

– The Phantom: The Ghost Who Walks [GBA – Unreleased]

Marc Bosch has contribuited to:

– Earl the Frog [X360 – Cancelled]

Marco has contribuited to:

– Tekken 5 [PS2 – Beta]

Marshall Leslie has contribuited to:
– Corn Buster info & screens

– Corn Buster interview with Engine Software

– D2 M2 image

Matt3 has contribuited to:

– Sonic Saturn [Saturn – Prototype]

Matt Gander [www.gamesasylum.com] has contribuited to:

– 6Gun info & images

– 100 Bullets info & images

– Asylum info & images

– Axel Rage info & images

– AX-Impact info & images

– Chop Lifter info & images

– Some Chibi Robo images

– Command & Destroy Info & Images

– Black & White PSX images

– Creature Conflict info & images

– Dead Phoenix art title

– Some images for Diddy Kong Pilot

– Doriho info & images

– Extreme Force info & images

– Apeshit [atari jaguar] info & images

– Nintendogs beta images

– Gremlins PS2 info & images

– Hill Project info & images

– Johnny Whatever images

– Some Kameo XBOX images

– Metal Shell info & images

– Neopets PSX info & images

– Plague of Darkness info & images

– Resonance info & images

– Some images for Stage Debut

– Statick Shock images

– Team SAS info & images

– Thorgal images

– Trinity images

– Toon Army info & images

– Uridium images

– Vultures images

– Wrath & Skeller images

MathUser has contribuited to:

– Project Reality / Nintendo Ultra 64 [Tech Demos]
– The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening [GB – Beta]
– Socks the Cat Rocks the Hill [Unreleased]
– Sonic Spinball [MD/G – Concept / Beta]
– Powerslide FX [SNES – Unreleased]
– Sound Fantasy [SNES – Unreleased]
– Super Mario Kart [SNES – Beta / Proto]
– Mortal Kombat [MD/G – Beta]
– Wonderboy IV / Monster World [MD/G – Beta]
– Pit Fighter 2 [MD/G – Cancelled]
– Virtua Fighter [Arcade / Saturn – Beta]
– Impossible Mission 2025 [SNES – Unreleased]
– & many more!

Martin Konrad has contribuited to:

– Shantae DS images

– Sonic Triple Trouble-Chaos 2

– Road Rash 2 [GG – Cancelled]

MajorTom has contribuited to:

– Super Mario World intro english translation

– Yoshi’s Island intro

Mellahan has contribuited to:

– Mega Man Legends [PSX – Beta]

meetajhu has contribuited to:
Redwood Falls [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

MDHmodder has contribuited to:

Lord of the Rings: The White Council [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

Michael Cheek has contribuited to:

– Pokèmon Snap images

– Advanced Wars: Under Fire images

– Metroid Prime Hunters images

Mozgus has contribuited to:
– Tenchu: Stealth Assassins [PSX – Beta]
– Panzer Dragoon Zwei [Saturn – Prototype]

Mr Mark has contribuited to:

– Hoppin Mad [NES – Unreleased]
– Kartoon Kombat: text from the lost game
–  Kitty’s Catch [NES – Cancelled]
– & much more!

Mr Krystal has contribuited to:
– StarFox Adventures [GC – Beta]

Nathan has contribuited to:

– Quake [PC – Proto / Concept]

– Doom [PC – Alpha / Beta]

Neodifferhas contribuited to:

– The Dark (Condemned) [X360 – Beta]

Nick has contribuited to:

– Kirby 64

Pachuka has contribuited to:

– Incredible Idiots in Space images

– Vandals images

– Shining Sword images

– Melt images

– Storm images

– & more!

Pat has contribuited to:

– Ernald / 7th Saga info

Patison has contribuited to:
– Murder City [PC – Cancelled?]

Peter Overstreet has contribuited to:
– Agent 9 / Prime 8 [PS2 – Cancelled]

Pickyeater has contribuited to:
– Resident Evil 2 Trial [PSX – Beta]

Pikol has contribuited to:
– Many Shadow of the Colossus finds and hacks

Protodude has contribuited to:

– Megaman Battle Network [GBA – Beta]

– Mega Man Legends [PSX – Beta]

– Mega Man 4 [NES – Beta]

Randy 355 has contribuited to:

– Halo images

– Halo 2 images & info

– Super Smash Bros Brawl info & images

Rey VGM has contribuited to:

– Vic Viper images

Rewak has contribuited to:

– Hannibal [PC – Cancelled]

Ryu-Ya has contribuited to:

– Landstalker [MD/G – Beta]

Robert Seddon has contribuited to:

– Secret Of Evermore info & images

– Final Fantasy 7 beta info

– Lots of beta Links

– FFIII/IV DS, unused stuff

– Creator / Mario Artist [64DD – Beta]
– Mission Impossible 64 [Tech Demo / Beta]
– The Legend Of Zelda: Link’s Awakening [GB – Beta]
– Into The Shadows [Saturn – Unreleased]
– Final Fantasy VII (7) [Beta / Tech Demo]
– Secret Of Mana / Seiken Densetsu 2 [SNES – Beta]

– & many more!

Robert has contribuited to:

– Catroots beta video

Ruha has contribuited to:

– Bonk RPG images

Saga Darvulia has contribuited to:

– Shining Lore Article

– Shining Lore Images

– Metroid Prime Beta Kraid

– Dorque & Imp images

sba sb3002 has contribuited to:

– Super Mario Sunshine images
– Stage Debut images
– Zelda 3D Project english corrections

– Donkey Kong Coconut Crackers images

Scatman has contribuited to:

– Dragon’s Dream Net Link RPG images

– Alien Resurrection images

– GTA Saturn images

– Blood Omen Saturn images

Sean O’Connor has contribuited to:

– Hellcatraz: Escape from the rock [PSX – Cancelled]

ShockingAce has contribuited to:
– perfect dark japanese version video
– Sonic Crackers [MD/G – Proto]
– Albegas [Arcade – Cancelled]

Silverduran has contribuited to:

– Wild 9 [PSX – Beta]

– Video from Final Fantasy 7 beta

SMBMadman has contribuited to:

– Super Mario Galaxy images

– Super Mario Sunshine images

Slo_Mo25 has contribuited to:

– Super Mario World info

Solidshake has contribuited to

– Prisoner of war images
– GTA 3 images & info
– GTA Vice City images & info
– GTA San Andreas images & info
– GTA Liberty City Stories images & info
– GTA Vice City Stories images & info
– SimsVille images & info
– SimMars images & info

– Metal Gear Solid 2 images & info

– Metal Gear Solid 3 images & info

Steven Diggs Jr. has contribuited to:

– WCW Mayhem 2 [PS2 – Cancelled]

Superfun64 has contribuited to:

– The Legend Of Zelda 64 [Lost Items & More / Beta Hack]

– Zelda 64: Ocarina Of Time [Tech Demo / Proto / Beta]

– Megaman Anniversary Collection [GBA – Unreleased]

– Sonic 2 [MD/G – Proto / Beta]

– Zombies Ate My Neighbors / Monsters [SNES / Genesis – Beta]

Timothy Adkins has contribuited to:

– Duke Nukem Forever

The_IT_08 has contribuited to:

– Rayman [PSX/Saturn/Jaguar – Beta]
– Rayman 2: The Great Escape [Beta]

TnS has contribuited to:
– Space Quest [XBOX PS2 – Cancelled]

Tobias has contribuited to:

– Mario 64 intro, English translation

Tootai has contribuited to:
– Unreleased english translation of Aigina’s Prophecy (NES)

Topdrunkee has contribuited to:

– Flower, Sun & Rain [PS2 – Beta / Concept]

– Killer 7 article

UL from Omikron Game Blog has contribuited to:

– Omikron The Nomad Soul [PC/Dreamcast – Beta]

– Omikron 2 Nomad Soul Exodus [Dreamcast/PS2 – Cancelled]

Unclejun has contribuited to:
– Many shared betas games

Vincent has contribuited to:
– Ricochet Rick [XBOX / GC – Cancelled]

Vicente has contribuited to:

– Driver [PSX – Beta]

– Driver 2

– & many more!

WWEDX2007 has contribuited to:
– WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain [PS2 – Beta]

xMrNx has contribuited to:
– Mega Man X3 [unused W meter?]

Zero7 has contribuited to:

– No More Heroes beta info

– Shining Force 3 info & images

– Sonic 1 info

– Final Fantasy: Dissidia [PSP – Beta]

– Mortal Kombat Trilogy [Beta]

– & many more!


Unseen64 Forum

The Unseen64 Forum is not your traditional gaming forum. It is a place where you can research, analyze, and discuss all the changes and cuts from gaming development. In our forum, you will not find many topics about the latest gaming-news, there will not be any ultra-fast-replies or many fanboys pushing for their favorite console based solely on sales numbers. However, you will find many devoted beta-geeks, as they ask, answer, search, and examine the fascinating world of gaming archaeology. Oh, and there will be a lot of crazy, lazy Italians that write in a really funny engrish, too. Keep this in mind before entering the forum. If there is a bit of nonsensical craziness in you, too, then you are welcome to join the little Unseen64 family! Enjoy the forum and keep digging for what is Unseen!

We created the Unseen 64 Community Forum with FB Group, to work together to search for beta and cancelled videogames, to discuss about them and to get in contact with other unseen games fans. You are free to join and post new discussions, ask for help to other unseen games fans to find and share more info, screens and videos.. what we’ll be able to achieve? We are waiting for you :)

unseen 64 forum 2014