Tower is a prototype for a cancelled team-based third person shooter for Xbox 360 and PS3, that was in development by Grin, the team mostly known for such games as Bionic Commando Rearmed, Wanted: Weapons of Fate and the cancelled Final Fantasy Fortress. With its arcadey graphic and gameplay, Grin probably desired to create a simple but fun online multiplayer experience, possibly to publish it digitally on Xbox Live Arcade and Playstation Store.
As you can imagine from its title, Tower offered multiple-floors arenas with an interesting gameplay mechanic: players would have been able to freely move around all surfaces of the towers, walking on walls and ceilings. This would have created many different approaches to combat, as you and your enemies could shoot and run around from multiple places.
Not much more is known about this lost game. In the end the project was halted (along with their other canned games: Streets of Rage Reboot, Strider, Wanted 2) because of Grin’s financial difficulties that eventually bankrupted the company. In the gallery below you can find some screenshots and footage from an early build, preserved to remember its existence.
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Oh, this looked cool! I mean, it’s still really rough, obviously – those character models are pretty unappealing, and the gunplay looks incredibly under-cooked in that video – but that central mechanic and the overall visual style here had a TON of promise! There STILL hasn’t been an indie game that does this afaik! This is an idea that should be revisited!
Awesome find, Unseen64!
This concept actually reminds me a tiny bit of a game called Blast Chamber. Not identical in mechanics, but similar. Blast Chamber had the flip-the-room feature, but with gravity acting as it should on the players. A VERY underrated game imo. It was released on the Sony PS1 and Sega Saturn. PC only got a demo. I always thought the concept should have been expanded upon and this title kind of does that, but in full 3D. Blast Chamber was more 2.5D. A lot could have been done with this title if given time and money, I agree.