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Sonic Unleashed [X360/PS3 – Beta / Unused Areas]

Thanks to the Sonic Retro and The Sonic Center community, a series of glitch were found in the Xbox 360 & PS3 version of Sonic Uleashed, that let us to go to some unused / beta areas hidden in the game. As we can read in the SR forum: “There’s…

Alien Vs. Predator [Jaguar – Proto]

Thanks to Robert Seddon we got a scan from an old issue of Retro Gamer, were they shown a screen from a prototype version of Alien VS Predator, in which there were lives rather than an healt bar, an early HUD and slighty different character models. Image:

RS Links: Little Big Adventure

Another list of interesting links from Robert Seddon, this time about cancelled ports and early versions of Little Big Adventure, one of the most fascinating adventure games that was released for PC and Playstation. From an interview with Frédérick Raynal on the Magicball Network, we can read about the unreleased…

Faxanadu [NES – Unused Sprites]

Faxanadu is a platform adventure game for the NES, that was developed and released in Japan by Hudson Soft in 1987. In 1989, Nintendo of America released the game as a first-party title in the US and in the European market in 1990. Faxanadu can be considered a side-story of…

RS Links: Shadowgate unused rooms

In this new chapter of our favourites Robert Seddon links, a page on about some unused and misterious rooms that were found in the original Shadowgate: “Some of the rooms taken out of Shadowgate were Trap Room # 1, Trap Room # 3, Several Rooms Holding Death Wraiths, Basilisk…