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RS Links: Romancing SaGa logos

Another nice link from Robert Seddon, that lead us to a page on Lost SaGa in which we can see a collection of concept designs for the Romancing SaGa logo!  Romancing SaGa is a console RPG developed by Squaresoft:  the original Super Famicom version, was released on January 28, 1992.…

Trium Planeta [GameC / PC – Cancelled]

Trium Planeta was a prototype for a game in development for PC and Gamecube at F4 (formerly known as F4-Toys), a French video game developer based in Paris composed of former staffers from Adeline Team and No Cliche, including Frederick Raynal. From what we can see in the screens and learn…

Little Big Adventure 2 [PC – Beta]

Robert Seddon linked us to a couple of interesting pages with screens and informations about a beta version of Little Big Adventure 2, the sequel of the cult adventure game by Adeline Software International. In the Magicball Network forum you can see a gallery full of screens from an early…

Contra 4: removed 4-Players coop?

Robert Seddon told us that in Retro Gamer magazine #51, p. 39, they talked about a removed 4 players coop mode that was meant to be in Contra 4 for the DS. Matt Bozon, director of the game, told to RG that “Our first playable incarnation was four-player Wi-Fi, but…

Shadowrun: the Awakening [X360 – Cancelled]

Shadowrun: the Awakening is a cancelled game in the Shadowrun series of RPGs, that was in development by FASA Studios for the Xbox 360 and PC, before the released Shadowrun 2007. This unreleased version had a full single player mode and FASA worked on their own 3D engine for the…