Secret of Mana, known in Japan as Seiken Densetsu 2, is an action RPG for the Super Nintendo developed and published by Square. Secret of Mana is the sequel to Final Fantasy Adventure for the Game Boy and the second installment in the Mana video game series. The game was…
RS Links: Grim Fandango Missing Content
In this link from the long list of beta-related websites that Robert Seddon sent to us, we can find some informations, sounds and images about unused stuff hidden in the memory of Grim Fandango: “Grim Fandango came with a considerable amount of content which was included with the game, but…
RS Links: unused missions in Frontier First Encounters
Frontier: First Encounters is a PC video game released in 1995, where the player can go through space trading and combat simulator. It is the sequel to Frontier: Elite II (1993), which itself is a sequel to the seminal 1984 game Elite. The game was created by David Braben’s company,…
Killer Instinct [Beta – SNES Arcade]
Killer Instinct is a fighting game developed by RareWare and published by Midway and Nintendo. Initially released in arcades in 1994 it was later ported to the Super Nintendo. In the gallery below you can notice some early character designs for B.Orchid and Glacius. As they wrote at the Killer…
RS Links: Unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
Another one of those interesting links that Robert Seddon has brought to our attention, is a page with lots of informations about an unreleased Sequel to Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. On Wikipedia we can read that “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is an interactive fiction computer game based…