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Fable 2 [Beta – Xbox 360]

Fable 2 is an action RPG developed by Lionhead Studios and directed by Peter Molyneux, published by Microsoft Game Studios. It’s the sequel to Fable  and it was originally announced in 2006 and released in October 2008. [Infos from Wikipedia] In these images we can see a series of early…

Golden Sun: The Lost Age [GBA – Unused Content]

Robert Seddon has linked us to an interesting topic in the Golden Sun Hacking Community Forum, in which they have found a lot of unused  items, sprites and Psynergy spells that were still hidden in the Golden Sun: The Lost Age code! All of these can not be obtained in the…

RS Links: Unused images hidden in Harvest Moon?

Robert Seddon has made us to notice about a page on in which there is a collection of images that were found in the Harvest Moon (SNES) code thanks to the HM Editor, but that were never used in the game. As Jathys wrote in that page, those images…

Batman: The Dark Knight [X360/PS3 – Cancelled]

Batman: The Dark Knight was an open world action stealth video game loosely based on the 2008 film, The Dark Knight. The game was unofficially revealed in the summer of 2007 as being in the works at Pandemic Studios’ Australian branch in Brisbane. This cancellation makes The Dark Knight the first Batman film…

Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 [PS2 – Cancelled]

Robert Seddon has made us to notice that recently ProgrammingAce from the Game Of The Art forum has shared an old design document for the cancelled sequel of Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, the action RPG that was developed and produced by Interplay in 2004. The original BoS was the fourth…