The Shadow [SNES / Genesis – Unreleased]

The Shadow [SNES / Genesis – Unreleased]

The Shadow is a cancelled beat ’em up game developed and published by Ocean Software in 1994 for the Super Nintendo and the MegaDrive/Genesis. It was based on the movie of the same name, itself based on the character’s radio show.

On the forum The Ocean Experience, which was a forum founded by former Ocean Software’s developers, former artist Brian Flanagan wrote that the game was “99% done” but was cancelled because “the film bombed.

The Super Nintendo whole source code leaked onto the internet years ago. The gameplay is similar to other Beat ’em up games such as Final Fight or Double Dragon. The player has two bars; one for the life and the other allowing the player to perform special attacks (invisibility, speed running, a dome shield that knocks out everyone who hits it). The regular beat ’em up levels also include a section for gun play, where the player is able to shoot enemies and a driving stage.

Despite being cancelled at the last minute, the SNES version got mixed reviews by many video games magazines back then. The Genesis version has still yet to be found.

Article by Daniel Nicaise



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