With a title probably inspired by the classic River Raid for Atari 2600, Raid Over the River is a cancelled shoot ‘em up that was in development in 2006 for Nintendo DS by the infamous Nibris studios, the team behind the cancelled survival horror “Sadness” for Wii. The interesting part about this lost DS game is that time travels and multi-dimensions would be featured in the story, letting developers to add a good number of original levels set in different time periods and places.
Raid Over the River backstory was posted by IGN and Eurogamer:
“The main character of the game is pilot David McBride, a 40-year-old veteran of Operation “Sand Storm”. He discovers, by a total chance, the plans of the “Molayarius“, a sect cultivating traditions of the Knights Templar of Grand Master Jacques de Molay crest. They aim to summon the demon Bafometonto the world. David aims to to destroy these plans, but he finds himself in a world and an epoch of danger as he is flung through time, is led and perhaps misled by the seductive but dangerous Anna, and is constantly under fire as he flies through 10 levels of shooting and flying action all around the world and across time.”
“The action begins in Peru, where archaeologists uncover a strange artifact that can be used to travel through time. According to Deutsch-Everett theory, which is all about the temporalist’s paradigm, it says here, it’s impossible to travel within your own timeline. Because that would be ridiculous. However, you can visit future or past Earths from other dimensions, obviously. As a result of this discovery, the Temporal Advanced Research Projects Agency is established to send intrepid types to these different dimensions and seek out any potential threats. You play TARPA pilot Carrie Colins, 29, and it’s your job to deal with some scouts from another dimension who pop up on Earth at the start of the game.”
It seems that even Nibris were divided in different dimensions where the game had two different storylines.
Story, Arcade, Dogfight and Survival modes over six campaigns in different time periods and dimensions were planned, with levels set in ancient Greece, Europe during World War II, Soviet Russia during the Cold War, present day USA, Germany in 2018 and Japan during a far away future. Nibris planned to have different vehicles for each time period and dimension, such as old bi-planes, sci-fi jet planes and dragons. Power-ups and special items would have also been available to the players to improve their fire power and each vehicle had many different movements options, to rotate, nose dive and dodging hits. Coop multiplayer was also planned to be added to the game.
DS specific features would also been implemented into Raid Over the River, being able to use voice command and the touch screen to launch special attacks. Unfortunately Raid Over the River was never completed: just like it happened with Sadness, Nibris were not able to secure a publisher for their project and they had to stop working on it before to finally close down in late 2010.
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Revolution Report has been the exclusive outlet for all news concerning Polish developer NIBRIS and its first title, Raid over the River, planned for both the Nintendo DS and Nintendo Revolution. Earlier today, the studio’s Project Manager Piotr Orlowski provided a brief update on the status of NIBRIS’ titles.
According to Orlowski, NIBRIS is wrapping up work on the first level of the Raid over the River DS Version. As is stated on the team’s new Web site, a “playable demo of the first game that is heading to the Nintendo DS should be available for interested parties before February 2006.”
In regards to the Revolution version, he was only able to say at this time that the game’s working title is Raid over the River Revolution and that “this game will be the second part of the Raid over the River story,” the first obviously for the Nintendo DS.
Concluding, Orlwoski affirmed that NIBRIS “has a strong business partner” and said he hopes that both versions of Raid over the River give Nintendo fans a lot of fun in a fresh way.
Raid Over The River DS
Cracow, 12.06.06
Working title: Raide Over the River
Genre: Vertical shooter
Developer: Nibris
Platform: Nintendo DS.
Release date: 2007, first half
Polish developer group Nibris known, among others, for planning to release Sadness – a gothic horror for Nintendo Wii console, revealed a little bit of the storyline “Raid over the river DS”. Let me remind that game represents vertical shooters and is the first title in the series of two (the second one is going to be realized for Nintendo Wii).
– It’s a title which is going to change the current image of a vertical shooter as a meaningless, arcade game which only tests the speed of player’s fingers. It is a title which is going to present how big potential, which was not used so far, his kind of games has. It is also a game which through relation to the classics, innovative original solutions, and xtensive storyline is going to make playing it an experience one of a kind. – says Marek Okoń, ROTR DS game designer.
Considering the genre of the game, the scenario is really extensive with the story taking place throughout almost 3 000 years; spreading over 6 dimensions related to Earth and putting the characters before choices consequences of which we will have to bear.
Everything starts when in Peru the archaeologists reveal an artefact of unknown origin. The knowledge it carries enables travelling in time, quite unique though. According to Deutsch-Everett theory, which describes temporalist’s paradigm, travelling in your own timeline is impossible. We can, however, go to past or future of Earth in a different dimension, and observe how the history of mankind developed there.
Thanks to this sensational discovery TARPA (Temporal Advanced Research Projects Agency) comes to existence. Its task is to investigate different dimensions and prevent any threat that may come from there.
In the game the player plays a character of agent Carrie Collins (29) who is a pilot in an air strike quick response group of TARPA. The story begins when a tunnel opens on Earth, from which some scouts from a different dimension emerge.
The plot is built upon some forces which change timelines of other worlds for unidentified purpose. During our missions we will be required to precisely carry out orders, make unexpected alliances, and make choices which will influence the future of our character, as well as the future of all dimensions.
The game is planned to be released in the first half of 2007.
Raid Over the River
Cracow, 13.06.06
Working title: Raid Over the River
Genre: Vertical shooter
Developer: Nibris
Platform: Nintendo DS.
Release date: 2007, first half
After information about the scenario of the game Raid Over the River NIBRIS reveals some further details of the game itself.
Raid Over the River offers six extensive campaigns taking place in different time dimensions: from ancient Greece, through Europe of WWII, Soviet Russia of the Cold War, present United States, to Germany of 2018 and Japan of unspecified future. In each of these campaigns we have a vehicle which fits the surroundings in which we are going to fight. In our quest we have a rich weaponry at hand – from core ammunition, sonic blasters to plasma cannons. Of course there are also going to be special attacks, such as help from the wingmen, intelligent missiles, particle blasters, gravity bombs, or laser attack from a satellite.
A kind of novelty is a system of dodges thanks to which our vehicle is going to be much more manoeuvrable than it was in other games of that type. It is not only going to be moving in one dimension but also rotation, nose-diving, barrel-rolls – all of these will allow us to control precisely what we want our vehicle to do, and save us from being shot down. by an enemy. Apart from that, nose-diving will be also useful during missions with precise bombings of ground objects. Additionally, each of the vehicles is going to be fitted with one special manoeuvre enabling it to dodge hostile fire or increase its fire-power.
The innovative system of special attacks will take advantage of a touch screen and microphone offered by DS and the convenient and intuitive controlling system will make the piloting very natural after a few moments of play. Of course, the configuration of the buttons will be under full control of the player and the voice commands will be the optional method for launching special attacks.
Planned modes of play:
Single Player:
-Story Mode
– Arcade
– Dogfight
– Survival
– Cooperative
– The Raid
– Raid over the Galaxy
– Special mode
Most important facts about the game:
6 campaigns, each with several missions, providing at least 10 hours of constant playing
6 different vehicles to be driven in 6 different time dimensions
very extensive weaponry
fuel and ammunition management requiring strategic approach to missions, defending transhipment bases
cooperation and synchronisation of actions with other units
extensive, full of action, multi-thread scenario putting the player in an intrigue spanning hundreds of dimensions
cartoon comic interludes between missions presenting the story taking place in the game
set of dodging and special attacks taking advantage of special features of NDS
hidden missions, vehicles, bonuses enabled in the course of playing
extensive multiplayer mode allowing to enjoy the game longer
The game is planned to be exclusively for the Nintendo DS console.
Cracow, 02.02.07
Title: ROTR
Genre: Vertical shooter
Developer: Nibris
Platform: Nintendo DS
Release date: 2007
Polish developer group Nibris known, among others, for planning to release Sadness – a gothic horror for Nintendo Wii console, announces the game formerly known as the Raid over the river has a new name – ROTR.
Most important facts about the game:
– 6 campaigns, each with several missions
– 6 different vehicles to be driven in 6 different time dimensions
– very extensive weaponry
– fuel and ammunition management requiring strategic approach to missions, defending transhipment bases
– cooperation and synchronisation of actions with other units
– extensive, full of action, multi-thread scenario putting the player in an intrigue spanning hundreds of dimensions
– 3D graphics on both screens
– set of dodging and special attacks taking advantage of special features of NDS
– hidden missions, vehicles, bonuses enabled in the course of playing
– extensive multiplayer mode allowing to enjoy the game longer
The game is planned to be exclusively for the Nintendo DS console.
second line last pics and third line first pic are from the gamescon tech demo. :)
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