Diablo [GameBoy – Cancelled]

Diablo [GameBoy – Cancelled]

A port of Diablo was in development for the GameBoy, but soon cancelled for unknown reasons. This unreleased gem was first shown on PtoPOnline (now SuperiorVersion.com) back in 2007. Prior to that, no media had ever been released, nor had it ever been mentioned by Blizzard. This tech demo is a very unique look at what Diablo could have been, on the original GameBoy. (Source: www.emuparadise.org/Betas/Diablo/)

You can really see this game having massive potential since the PC version wasn’t much better graphically, meaning it would be close to the original. Implementing special features such as link cable multiplayer (since online would not be available) could have made this one of the higher rated games in GameBoy history.

Description by Anteo



[Source: www.ptop.aborman.com]

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6 thoughts on “Diablo [GameBoy – Cancelled]

  1. Anteo

    This unreleased gem was first shown on PtoPOnline (now SuperiorVersion.com) back in 2007. Prior to that, no media had ever been released, nor had it ever been mentioned by Blizzard. This tech demo is a very unique look at what Diablo could have been, on the original GameBoy.

    Source: http://www.emuparadise.org/Betas/Diablo/

    You can really see this game having massive potential since the PC version wasn’t much better graphically, meaning it would be close to the original. Implementing special features such as link cable multiplayer (since online would not be available) could have made this one of the higher rated games in GameBoy history.

  2. Zethrad

    This was developed at Blizzard North back in the day. It had a small team working up the proposal and the tech demo (which is what this video shows).
    After working up a cost/benefit/risk analysis – it turns out the profit margin on cartridges is VERY small and it is very easy to misjudge the market. After some debate, the project was dropped.

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