A launch title for the GBA in Japan and Europe, Kuru Kuru Kururin went through a few cosmetic changes between its beta and final versions. The most obvious difference involves the life meter, which lost its sun-like appearance and was moved to the lower-left corner, with a vertical three-heart indicator and a picture of Kururin which reacted accordingly to the in-game action. Kururin himself lost his canary-like appearance in favour of his final blue-feathered, wide-beaked look. The time indicator moved to the upper-left and was given a black background, topped with the player’s record for the current stage.
One screenshot shows the Jungle-2 stage, but with a grassy mushroom background which doesn’t appear in the finished game. Another shows an Ocean stage with several differences from the final version: the treasure chest appears on the same background as an oyster and contains a peeping pair of eyes instead of treasure, and the playfield is transparent whereas all final-version stages have, at most, partially see-through playfields. The stage doesn’t appear to be from any of the final Ocean levels.
Thanks to pippitypop for the contribution!