Contraband Entertainment

Monster Hunter [GBA – Cancelled]

Monster Hunter (not related with Capcom’s Monster Hunter) was an action game that was in development by Contraband Entertainment for the GameBoy Advance. As we can read from the original press-release:

In Monster Hunter, you are the one-eyed hero who travels to the five towers of evil. Your mission as the Monster Hunter is to destroy the various creatures wandering the maze of hallways and to recover the fable treasures contained within the ancient structures.

Seems a simple task, but it’s not. There are weapons scattered throughout the levels for the player to use against the monsters, but only one specific weapon will slay a certain type of creature. Some of the weapons will temporarily stun a monster, but that same weapon can power-up another type of creature.

For some reasons it seems that the game was never released, even if it could have been finished.
