American Softworks

Darknet [Saturn, Playstation, PC – Cancelled]

Darknet (sometimes written Dark Net) was given a tiny preview in the August 1995 issue of Sega Power, in “Video Games The Ultimate Gaming Magazine” (Issue 90 July 1996) and in EGM 83, and aside from a small screenshot and some concept art, very little is said about the game. From the lone screenshot, it seems to be an isometric adventure game, similar to Diablo, but with a fairly unique plot, with four students being sucked into the internet itself and fighting against the titular Darknet. The game was developed by American Softworks for PC, Playstation and Saturn, scheduled for ‘some yet-to-be-decided date’ and never released.


STORM [PSX Saturn: Cancelled, but released on PC]

S.T.O.R.M. is a cancelled side-scrolling action game that was in development by Virtual Studio in 1996, for the original Playstation and Saturn. From the look of the few screens preserved (only one seems in-game, the others are probably from a FMV), the game was set in an under-water scenario. There are not much more info on the project, it would have been published by American Softwork but something went wrong during the development and STORM was never finished.

Thanks to Pachuka and Celine for the contributions! Scans from EGM #83, CD Consoles #8 and #19.

UPDATE: Thanks to hydr0x, we found out that STORM was released for PC!

