Some more characters cut from Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

Some more characters cut from Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom

We already knew that Capcom thought to have Phoenix Wright as a playable character in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, but it had to be cut in the end. Now we can read about some of the Tatsunoko characters that never made it into the final game, thanks to an article on Kotaku:

The hardest part of making the game, it seems, was figuring out which characters to include from Tatsunoko’s more than 80 cartoons, and then getting the company to OK their choices. […]

“One of the main anime we got more requests for than any others was Samurai Pizza Cats,” he said. “There were a lot of people who wanted to see that. I wanted to see that, but we couldn’t reach an agreement.”

Another set of characters shot down by Tatsunoko were the transforming-motorcycle riders of Genesis Climber MOSPEADA.

“They told us what we could and couldn’t use,” he said. “If they said no we cut them.

“We weren’t privy to a lot of their decision making process. They didn’t share a lot of reasons with us. When they said no and we asked why, they wouldn’t tell us, but would give us another suggestion.”

Thanks to Robert Seddon for the link!

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