
Chronos Twin [GBA – Cancelled]


Chronos Twins is an action-adventure released for the DS in 2007. The game show a different perspective on time travel than most games. Instead of revisiting an area in two different times, both screens show the same setting during two eras as gamers explore the land with a present-day hero. Chronos Twins was originally planned for release for GBA, but after the Nintendo DS rise the game has been ported to it. In 2004, the GBA version was cancelled due to the publisher’s fear to legal disputes with Capcom, after graphics rips were discovered on Capcom BBS and other Internet forums violating Capcom’s Copyrights. Three Wonders, Marvel Vs Capcom and Magic Sword graphics are still visible on the released videos in the major gaming websites. Surprisingly enough, the publisher’s website still shows GBA screenshots on their game’s website. – [info from Wikipedia]






Megaman Anniversary Collection [GBA – Unreleased]


Also known as Mega Man Mania and Rock Man Mania, the portable version of this GBA Anniversary Collection, unlike the home console versions (PS2, Xbox and GC), was to include only the first five episodes of the saga emerged for Game Boy . These include Mega Man in Dr. Wily’s Revenge, Mega Man II, Mega Man III Mega Man IV, Mega Man V, and the titles were resubmitted with the new color version, but Capcom also wanted the chance to play titles in their original black and white.

Of course, as is often the case for games-collections, developers included some extras such as artwork and infos on the various series of Mega Man. The game has been postponed again and again, delayed till early 2007. Rumors talked about a change of hardware, from Gba Nintendo DS, but in the end Mega Man Anniversary Collection was never released. The excuse for this disappearance was attributed to the loss of  game-code that programmers were working on, but perhaps Capcom realized that it was not profitable enough to release.

Thanks to Superfun64 for the english translation!

italian_flag.jpg [spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]Conosciuto anche come Mega Man Mania o Rock Man Mania, la versione portatile per GBA di questo Anniversary Collection, a differenza delle versioni per console casalinghe (Ps2, Xbox e Gc), avrebbe dovuto includere solo i primi cinque episodi della saga usciti per Game Boy. Questi comprendevano Mega Man in Dr. Wily’s Revenge, Mega Man II, Mega Man III, Mega Man IV, Mega Man V; i titoli furono ripresentati con delle nuove versioni a colori, ma la Capcom volle includere anche la possibilità di giocare i titoli nelle loro versioni originali in bianco e nero.

Naturalmente, come spesso accade per le collection, gli sviluppatori inserirono alcuni extra quali artwork e varie info sulla saga di Mega Man. La raccolta è stata rinviata più e più volte, fino a fare slittare la data di uscita agli inizi del 2007. Voci parlarono di un cambio di hardware, da Gba a Nintendo Ds, ma alla fine Mega Man Anniversary Collection non fu mai rilasciato. La scusa per la sparizione fu imputata alla perdita del codice su cui stavano lavorando i programmatori, ma forse Capcom si rese semplicemente conto dell’inutilità di questa collection.[/spoiler]


Kirby: Nightmare in Dream Land [GBA – Beta]


ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in this page and your name in the contributors list. Thanks a lot for your help! :)

ITA: Questa pagina dell’archivio non ha ancora una descrizione. Se vuoi aggiungere delle informazioni riguardo le differenze della beta o la descrizione di un gioco cancellato, lasciaci un commento o mandaci una email! Inseriremo le tue informazioni nella pagina ed il tuo nome nella lista dei collaboratori. Grazie per il tuo aiuto! :)

You can find more about the Kirby series in the WiKirby!


Yoshi’s Story [GBA – Tech Demo]

When the new Game Boy Advance was announced, Nintendo shown a Yoshi’s Story tech demo, to promote the power of the console. The demo looked almost as nice as the N64’s Version, but sadly it was never developed into an full game. After some years, a rom of the Yoshi’s Story GBA tech demo was leaked thanks to one guy from Youtube (josdog6): the ROM has no sound or music, it will start with a 3D “yoshi’s island” spinning on the screen, while the gameplay is basically an endless level, just to show the graphics (of course). You have eggs, but you can’t shoot them, if you hold start, an egg will appears in the left of the screen. Select button will remove your health bar. When yoshi dies, you’ll see the same animation from the N64 version, with yoshi deported into the castle.

[spoiler /portuguese version/ /hide the portuguese version/]

Quando o video-game chamado Game Boy Advance foi mostrado pela Nintendo, Nintendo estava planejando Yoshi’s Story para seu video-game…

Foi um “tech demo”, somente mostrava como seria os gráficos do game boy advance…
Quando o público viu, era o mesmo jogo de nintendo 64, mas no game boy advance…
Mas, nunca chegou a ser completo, ou chegou na versão final…
Informação da Wikipedia (EN)
Mas uma pessoa do Youtube achou este jogo, chamado josdog6….
Informações do jogo:
Não tem nenhuma musica ou som… O jogo começara com uma ilha em forma de yoshi, girando na tela, e vai “pixelizar” quando apertar start..
É um level sem fim, sempre ira repetir, já como o jogo foi somente para mostrar os gráficos…
Você tem os ovos, mas não podem ser atirados, mas se apertar start, um ovo aparecerá na tela…
Botão select perderá 2 vidas de sua barra de vida…

Basicamente é isso… Quando o yoshi desmaiar, vai aparecer o castelo da versão de nintendo 64… [/spoiler]

Thanks to gabrielwoj for the contribution!

