Action Adventure

Montezuma’s Return [N64 – Cancelled]


Montezuma’s Return is a action adventure game and the sequel to the original Parker Brothers game Montezuma’s Revenge. It was released for PC in 1998: a Nintendo 64 version was planned too, but it was cancelled for unknow reasons. A screenshot from the presumed N64 version was shown in an old issue of Nintendo Power, but it could have been taken from the PC version.


The Legend Of Zelda: Majora’s Mask “Beta Quest”


Thanks to some Gameshark codes it’s possible to find an unused item in Majora’s Mask, a bottle with the “Hylian Loach” inside. This item could have been used in the removed fishing minigame that was going to be in the game. With other codes you can go around Termina as Fierce Deity Link, and you are able to see that its 3D model is too big for the normal world proportions (as this trasformation was created just for the boss-fights).  It’s even possible to activate a sort of  “Beta Quest” mode that warps you in different places of the game and some of those seems to be more incomplete than the final ones.
