Sato City is a cancelled action game that was in development for the original PSX and PC, it would have been published by Merit Studios. The game was set in a post-apocalyptic world, generated with pre-rendered backgrounds (ala Resident Evil). Sadly we dont have any more info about this project,…
Ultima IX (9) [PC – Beta]
Ultima IX (9) is a RPG in the Ultima series, developed by Origin Systems and released for PC in 1999. Ultima 8 was released in 1994 and in those 5 years between the 2 titles, the “Ultima IX project” had a long and troubled development. As we can read on…
FX Fighter [PC FX – Cancelled]
As we can read on, FX Fighter is a cancelled fighting game, used to promote the PC-FX and it’s graphical capabilities. A demo was shown at the Tokyo Toy Show in 1994. The game was a 1-on-1 3D fighter which used FMV to represent the characters movement. The game was…
Masters Tournament – Augusta [PCFX – Cancelled]
Masters Tournament Augusta was a golf game developed by T&E Soft and planned PC-FX. After witnessing the PC-FX failure in the japanese market T&E Soft decided to cancel the game. Only a single image was found in CD Consoles issue 5. Thanks to Celine for the contribution! Images:
The Witcher (1997 version) [PC – Cancelled]
The Witcher is a book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. In 1997, a video game based on these books was in development for PC by Polish team, Metropolis Software, but this version of the game was never released for reasons unknown. In 2008, Metropolis were acquired by CD Projekt, a Polish…