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STORM [PSX Saturn: Cancelled, but released on PC]

S.T.O.R.M. is a cancelled side-scrolling action game that was in development by Virtual Studio in 1996, for the original Playstation and Saturn. From the look of the few screens preserved (only one seems in-game, the others are probably from a FMV), the game was set in an under-water scenario. There…

Incredible Idiots in Space [Playstation, Saturn, PC – Cancelled]

Incredible Idiots in Space is a cancelled comedy action adventure that was in development by Magnet Interactive Studios around 1995 / 1996, planned to be released on Playstation, Sega Saturn and PC. The game was going to be published by ASC Games / American Softworks Corporation, based on an original…

Armed (Aftermath) [PSX/Saturn – Cancelled]

Armed (also known as Aftermath) is a cancelled side-scrolling beat ’em up / action game that was in development by Interplay / Point of View  / Activision (?) for the original Playstation and Saturn.  The game could have been released under a different name but looking at the few screens…

FX Fighter (Fighting Polygon) [SNES – Unreleased]

FX Fighter (also known with the tentative name “Fighting Polygon”) is a 3D fighting video game released for PC in 1995. It was the first realtime 3D fighting game to be developed for the PC. The game was also being developed for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, but eventually only…

Sound Fantasy [SNES – Cancelled]

Sound Fantasy is a cancelled video game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System, and its Japanese counterpart, the Super Famicom. Interactive media artist Toshio Iwai designed the game in the early 1990s using concepts from the installation art piece Music Insects, which he created during his time as an Artist…