Burning Fist (also known as Force Striker in its early alpha build) is a cancelled fighting game that was in development in 1994 by Sega of Japan for the Mega CD. As we can read at Sega Base, both the Force Striker alpha and the Burning Fists beta were leaked rom a former SoJ employee and sold on eBay some years ago. Burning Fist was never officially released, but in 2006 those alpha / beta builds were re-sold to Good Deal Games.
GDG worked in collaboration with J2 Games to finish Burning Fist and published it in their online shop. In an interview that Sega 16 had with GDG’s Michael Thomasson we read that
The game was about 80% complete. It was missing the final boss, the full-motion video was running at about four frames per second, had several bugs, the menu system was corrupt, and the one-player computer artificial intelligence was quite, well, stupid. We were able to get the FMV running at a respectable rate […]. We also completely reworked the menu system. We made the artificial intelligence on the one-player game a decent opponent.
In the gallery below you can check some screenshots from the game and a scan that Celine found in EGM #49.
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According to Mega Drive Fan (may 1993), the game should have been released in august 1993.
This came out recently. Courtesy of J2 Games & Good Deal Games – a boutique publisher of games for retro systems a la Piko Interactive – puts out copies for Sega CD collectors now. You can get it here:
Link: http://www.gooddealgames.com/Publishing_SegaCD_BurningFists.html