Created by Team Storm at Interactive Studios (the creators of Glover N64), Dragon Sword is a cancelled hack and slash game (similar to Gauntlet Legends) that was in development in 1997 / 1998 for the Nintendo 64. Sadly, this game was never finished because of some issues with the publisher.
Dragon Sword 64 was in danger to be lost and forgotten forever, but thanks to an anonymous collector, a playable beta was shared online and now the community can help to preserve it.
If you loved Gauntlet Legends on the Nintendo 64 in multiplayer, probably you are going to have fun with Dragon Sword too. Before playing this beta, please keep in mind that it’s an unfinished, unreleased Nintendo 64 game that was in development more than 12 years ago.
Obviously it has lots of bugs and we still miss some of the planned content, but for what it is, Dragon Sword is a nice game, especially if you can play it in coop with a friend.
The Dragon Sword beta can be found in this nice online archive.
If you can find a way to load the 3 lost levels, to find a debug menù or interesting content still hidden in the game’s code, please let us know!
Read more about the game in our Dragon Sword 64 Archive or check the video below for a preview of the 7 available levels:
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- Quark (Quantic Dream) [Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 24-03-2024
- Fortris [PC/Playstation/Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 09-03-2024
- Gorkamorka [PC / Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 16-12-2023
i hope that someone will hack the rom.. we need to find the content that is not normally accessible..
I finally managed to find a Level Select code and see if the last two levels are there. Good news is that one is. Bad news: the final level may be missing completely. More on my website:
Wow, awesome work Edward! :) I’m really happy that finally someone was able to find the codes for those levels, i will try them in the next few days
It’s interesting to notice that when i played the levels, i never seen the Toshiro boss, maybe because the game crashed just before him
I remember i has a big interest this game back in the day, Im a big fan of hack ‘n slash games like “Gauntlet Legends” i still play alot to this day, Saw screenshots and read the review back then in the magazine and was so exited for the release of game, But it didn’t happen, MGM decision make me angry and sad back then because i wanted this game so bad, when i heard the magazine tryed to save the game from its destiny and i crossed my fingers for the game and hoped it will be released anyway, But that never happen, So i thought i never will get the chance to play this game…Until now, I have played this prototype alot since i got my everdrive 64 and it totally awesome, It so much fun to play even with the buggy state, I got the debug code to work as well, so now i have some content to explore, A big thanks goes to the anonymous collector for this beta/prototype of “Dragon Sword 64”, A big thanks also goes to for share those kind of news with us and for the cool preview video of “Dragon Sword 64”, Hope to see more awesome news from your website in the future. :-)
Thank you Christian! We are happy when people find Unseen64 useful, especially when we can share playable versions of lost games :)
Update 2016: I want to share a video you i released several days ago, Its an video with all four bosses from the prototype:
There’s another version of this game released over at Micro-64 ( It seems to be an earlier version, but has cutscenes and better graphics than the 2010 release.
wow, awesome find! I’m super happy to see this other version, i’ll have to try it ASAP, this is still one of my favorite N64 games :O