It seems that nanoflooder has found a way to access some beta / hidden / glitchy cars in Gran Turismo 2 that probably were never intended to be in the final game.
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- Quark (Quantic Dream) [Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 24-03-2024
- Fortris [PC/Playstation/Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 09-03-2024
- Gorkamorka [PC / Dreamcast – Cancelled] - 16-12-2023
hi, there is a special gameshark code to make the cars feather light.
with the ae86, you can even do a wheelie!
i just figured out why they attached a track texture to tht rx7. they wanted to user/player to see the track while there selecting the car but it did work out cause the game didnt clean out the text while loading :D.