The Phantom console was a game system developed by Infinium labs in 2002 but it was canceled for financial problems. This console was able to run games without using cartidges, DVDs or CDs: instead, the games would have been downloaded from internet by a pay-per-play service. The phantom console was designed to be very easy to set up and all the accessories were wireless, so you did not had to worry about any cables. The console did have an AMD Athlon XP 2500+ CPU, an internal 40 GB Hard drive, 256 MB of RAM, Nvidia GeForce FX 5700 Ultra video card and Dolby Digital 5.1 Audio sound card. About the kernel, the Phantom had a modified Windows XP operative system. The phantom also had his own keyboard (the Phantom Lapboard) that now is selling at the site of Phantom Entertainment (once time Infinium Labs) and is compatible with PC or Mac. The console first appeared at E3 2004 as a working prototype (there were only a few games available, one of which was Unreal Tournament 2003). Infinium labs said that the console would have been avabile in January 2005. The date was missed and people that pre-ordered the console were angry.. but Infinium Labs said that the Phantom would have been avabile later, in autumn 2005, the same relase date of the XBOX 360. That date was also missed and then Phantom Entertainment (the company Infinium Labs changed his name into) decided to stop the project for the console.
A video about the Phantom console seen at the E3:
More photos:
Thanks to Dr. Swank for these images!
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Hey there!
Love the site, I can honestly say I’ve been reading it for the past six hours. Just a little info on the Phantom for you:
First, the console was actually at E3 2004, which I attended and actually played the monstrosity. There were only a few games available, one of which was Unreal Tournament 2003.
Here are some pics of the booth, the keyboard, the controller, and the system itself in use ( The only cool thing about it was the bright blue light when the system was turned on. I remember they originally quoted the download service for the machine at about $30 US a month.
Feel free to use these pics as you’d like, as that particular site I ran is no longer being updated.
Thanks for the infos / photos Dr. Swank! :) I’ll add them to the archive asap
Infinium Labs was originally based out of downtown Sarasota, Florida, a medium sized beach town, before moving its headquarters to Seattle, WA. Some local articles from the Sarasota Herald Tribune to give a local historical perspective on the company.
The beginning >>
Leaving Sarasota >>