ODT [N64 – Unreleased]

ODT [N64 – Unreleased]

ODT, Or Die Trying, is a video game created by Psygnosis for the PlayStation and PC. Its style of gameplay is a 3D action adventure, with some RPG elements. Playing as 1 of 4 characters, your goal is to explore the “Forbidden Zone” to look for gas canisters to reinflate your balloon, which had crashed on the roof of a mysterious tower. Along the way you solve puzzles, battle monsters, and so on. A N64 version was completed but never released, though it has somehow been leaked online. [Info from Wikipedia]

In 2020 PIKO Interactive have announced that they have acquired the rights to the game, which includes the unreleased Nintendo 64 version.

Thanks to Henrique Resende, Vaettur and Vitas Varnas for the contribution!



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