More screens and a video from the Beta Mario World remake

More screens and a video from the Beta Mario World remake

My Super Mario World: beta Hack Project is going well, here is some new stuff I had just put together. Based off of old screenshots, I have made a Ghost Castle level to show you what it may have looked like in the actual beta game. The ground was made by a person named Someguy. By the way, the SMB3 breakable bricks are not beta, they are inserted into the game with hacking, though they were seen in screenshots of the beta. It is only assumable a spin junp could break them. Here’s a screen comparison (at the top the beta hack, below the original beta screen):


And here’s a video from the beta remake:



Also, these are the normal Reznors (left) compared with a the alternate Reznors that can be found in the memory (right). They are exactly the same, but their fireball graphics are different:

normalfb6.png betayx7.png

Some more unused stuff hidden in the code: Blue Coins (still one coin) and a question block that gives out a green turtle shell, with the enemy still within.


You can see more of these hack/hidden stuff in our archive: Super Mario World [SNES – Unused Stuff] or talk about this in the official topic in our forum: Super Mario World beta @ U64F

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