Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball [GC – Cancelled]

Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball [GC – Cancelled]

In 2005, Nintendo announced that Exile Interactive (World Series Baseball 2K2) were working on a new baseball game exclusively for the GameCube. After some months of development, the game was delayed and then it vanished without traces. It seems that this was originally conceived after 2K Sports received exclusive 3rd-party rights to release MLB games, which removed EA Sports’ MVP Baseball series (which released 2 of its 3 entries on the GameCube) from the market. Since a Nintendo-developed game would not apply to this deal, they started work on this. However, after 2K announced that MLB 2K6 would see a GameCube version, this was quietly cancelled.

Thanks to Matthew Calliham for the contribution!



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4 thoughts on “Nintendo Pennant Chase Baseball [GC – Cancelled]

  1. Matthew Calliham

    If I recall correctly, this was originally conceived after 2K Sports received exclusive 3rd-party rights to release MLB games, which removed EA Sports’ MVP Baseball series (which released 2 of its 3 entries on the GameCube) from the market. Since a Nintendo-developed game would not apply to this deal, they started work on this. However, after 2K announced that MLB 2K6 would see a GameCube version, this was quietly cancelled. (a bit of a shame too, as this looked really good, while the GC version of 2K6 was lacking IMO)

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