A conversion of Max Payne was announced by Take-Two for the Dreamcast, almost simultaneously with the PC version, along with two other titles. Despite the enthusiasm that Rockstar Games showed for the DC, the console version of Max Payne was delayed and postponed many times. However, Take Two officially announced that the DC version would be published only after the release of the PC version, but in the end we never saw this port. One of the founders of Remedy, interviewed about this unfortunate game, said “… no I have never seen a code of Max Payne run on Dreamcast…”
Thanks to SGT.Slaughter for the translation!
Una conversione del gioco Max Payne, fu annunciata da Take-Two per Dreamcast, quasi in contemporanea a quella PC, insieme ad altri due titoli. Nonostante l’entusiasmo che RockStar Games mostrava nei confronti del DC, la versione console di Max Payne continuava a ritardare e ad essere posticipata. Tuttavia, Take Two annunciò ufficialmente che la versione per DC sarebbe partita solo quando sarebbe uscita la versione per PC, ma alla fine non uscì un bel niente… Uno dei fondatori di Remedy, intervistato sulla sorte di questo sfortunato gioco, ha affermato “…non ho mai visto un codice di Max Payne girare su Dreamcast…”
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This is the trailer:
Thanks ShockingAce! I’m going to add the video in the page :)
A conversion of the game Max Payne, was announced by Take-Two for Dreamcast, almost simultaneously in the PC, along with two other titles. Despite the enthusiasm that Rockstar Games showed against DC, the console version of Max Payne continues to delay and to be postponed. However, Take Two officially announced that the DC version would leave only when it would release the PC version, but in the end did not leave a damn thing … One of the founders of Remedy, interviewed on the fate of this unfortunate game, said “… no I have never seen a code of Max Payne run on Dreamcast …
Thanks SGT! I have added the translation in the page :)
I found a new image:
not edit the post because I did not understand how
i guess Petri Jarviehto would be the best person to track down and ask, as he was listed as Project Leader on Max Payne by likes of Edge Magazine.