Project BG&E (Beyond Good & Evil) [Beta]

Project BG&E (Beyond Good & Evil) [Beta]


Beyond Good & Evil is an action-adventure for the GameCube, PlayStation 2 and Xbox, designed by Michel Ancel, developed by Ubisoft and released in late 2003.  In early development the game was referred to as “Project BG&E” and only later the complete title was revealed to the press. In these beta screens and video, we can see some major differences in the character design of the main protagonist (Jade) and in some screens there are even a couple of enemies and rooms that seem to have been removed from the final game.



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3 thoughts on “Project BG&E (Beyond Good & Evil) [Beta]

  1. Koopako

    whoa, Pey’J certainly improved, and Jade looked pretty good in the beta too, but the final looks fit her better I guess.

  2. Clemi

    This post seems a little outdated but still, I have never seen such footage of the beta.

    I’m Happy, I did.

    If there is any way to play the beta please let me know.

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