StarFox 64 – Lylat Wars [N64 – Beta]

StarFox 64 – Lylat Wars [N64 – Beta]


During the early stages of development, Starfox 64 (Lylat Wars in Europe) looked very different from the final version. The level design was much more meager, lots of details, from the textures to the polygonal backgrounds, were much simpler and more blurred. Some enemies were slightly different, the HUB on the screen (energy, radar, maps etc..) was changed  various times before reaching the final version.

italian_flag.jpg [spoiler /Clicca qui per la versione in Italiano/ /Nascondi la versione in Italiano/]Durante le prime fasi di sviluppo, StarFox 64 (Lylat Wars in Europa) appariva molto diverso dalla versione finale. Il level design era molto più scarno, tantissimi particolari, dalle textures alla costruzione poligonale, erano molto più semplici e approssimativi. Inizialmente gli sfondi erano inesistenti e come in diversi titoli dei primi anni del N64, una strana nebbia riempiva le zone più lontane. Anche alcuni nemici erano leggermente diversi, le icone a schermo (come quella dell’ energia dell’ accelerazione, il radar, le mappe ecc.) sono evolute in diverse fasi, prima di arrivare quella definitiva. [/spoiler]

[Thanks to D-vide for some of the images!]



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2 thoughts on “StarFox 64 – Lylat Wars [N64 – Beta]

  1. Firefox78


    During the early stages of development, Starfox 64 (Lylat Wars in Europe) seemed very different from the final version. The level design was much more meager, lots of details, from textures to polygonal construction, were much simpler and more approximate. Initially there were no backgrounds and come in various titles of the early years of the N64, a strange mist filled the more remote areas. Some enemies were slightly different, the icons in the screen (like that of ‘power of’ speeding, radar, maps etc..) Evolved in stages, before reaching the final.

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