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Internet Game Pack [DC – Unreleased]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in the page. Thanks a lot for…

Take The Bullet [DreamCast – Cancelled]

Take the Bullet was a planned light gun video game for Sega Dreamcast from Red Lemon Studios. Unusually for its genre, it showed the character’s weapon on screen as in a first-person shooter, had an optional third-person view and was slated to have both online and split-screen multiplayer modes. The…

Metropolis Street Racer [DC – Beta]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in the page. Thanks a lot for…

Hot Wheels: Stunt Track Driver 2 [DC – Unreleased]

ENG: This entry in the archive doesn’t have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta / cancelled stuff that you see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in the page. Thanks a lot for…

Heroes of Might and Magic III [DC – Cancelled]

[ENG] This entry in the archive does no have a description yet. If you want to add some info about the beta stuff that you can see in these images, just write a comment or send us an email! We’ll add your info in the page. Thanks a lot for…