G [Xbox – Cancelled]

G [Xbox – Cancelled]

G is a cancelled multi-player hover-bike racer for the original Xbox, in development at FASA Studios (Shadowrun, Crimson Skies) from late 2002 till late 2003. It’s possible that the project was canned because they had to switch time and resources to finish Mechassault 2. Sadly only a video remains from G, preserved below to remember the existence of this interesting game.

Thanks to Foward for the contribution!


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2 thoughts on “G [Xbox – Cancelled]

    1. Jay


      This was being made by FASA in America for the Xbox; the studio behind MechAssault, Crimson Skies and Shadowrun 360.

      G-Police was made by Psygnosis in the United Kingdom, a.k.a. Sony Liverpool for the Playstation.

      Completely different studios, platforms, and publishers. “G” here is almost certainly just a codename anyway.

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