The Kore Gang [XBOX – Cancelled]

The Kore Gang is a fun adventure / platfor game with an amazing style, similar to Psychonauts. The game is based on the premise of three different characters stuck inside a robotic suit that enhances and amplifies their individual abilities. The scenario and the characters are weird-in-a-good-way, somehow even similar to some Tim Burton’s films. It was originally in development for the XBOX, but it’s now coming out for the Nintendo Wii! You can find more info on the Wii version at www.thekoregang.com

Also known as “Kore” the game is based on an original concept created by swedish studio ZOINK Games. ZOINK had originally partnered with game development house UDS to produce the game for Xbox. After UDS went out of business, the project was taken back to the drawing board. In 2007, ZOINK partnered with game developer SnapDragon Games to bring the game to Nintendo Wii. In the process, the game was redesigned, many new features added, and the visuals overhauled to create an even better experience. We cant wait to be able to play this previusly-unreleased game on our Wii!

