Super Star Wars is an action game based on the Star Wars series, developed by Sculptured Software and published by LucasArts for the Super Nintendo in 1992. As we can read on Wikipedia, the project is a remake of Star Wars, a lesser-known game released in 1991 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, Sega Master System, Game Boy and Game Gear.
In the beta version, Super Star Wars’ characters had a dark black outline around their bodies, similar to Ultima VIII: Pagan. However, this idea was abandoned, as it was thought to make the characters too cartoonish-looking. There was also trash compactor level that was deleted from the game due to memory constraints. An image was published in an issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly around the time of the game’s release (does anyone have a scan of this?).
In the gallery below we can also notice an unused Luke’s sprite where he deflects a lazer beam from a training droid, just like in the film.
Thanks to Rod_Wod for the scans!