
Redline Arena [Dreamcast – Cancelled]

Redline 2 (also know as Redline Arena) was the sequel of Redline,  a  post-apocalyptic combination of FPS / Car Combat game that was released in 1999 for the PC. Redline Arena was going to be developed for the SEGA Dreamcast: a small team from Beyond Games worked on a playable PC prototype for about 6 weeks, starting with an updated-port of the first game. New features and improved AI were added, with more vehicles and weapons.

An online multiplayer mode was expected too, but it seems that “the Dreamcast’s networking setup was not in sync with the Redline networking code. Lag and latency were going to be serious buzz-kills. Addressing this incompatibility was going to be a monumental task, and ultimately, the project was dropped”.

Even if the game was cancelled for the Dreamcast, somehow the development was shifted to the PS2: the project would eventually become Motor Mayhem, a game that was released in 2001. Early prototypes of Motor Mayhem were built to run in the Redline Arena engine, and so would be its best and last innovations.

