Banjo X was to be the third installment to the Banjo Kazooie franchise, slated to be released for the original Xbox. Initially the game was being developed in 2004 by Rare as a straight remake of the first game, with enhanced graphics and gameplay for the new console. Supposedly, the…
Banjo Kazooie: Grunty’s Curse [GBC – Cancelled]
Banjo Kazooie: Grunty’s Curse is the cancelled Game Boy Color version of the Rare Ltd. project that would later become Banjo Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge, released on GBA in 2003 by publisher, THQ. Initially established midway through 1999, Grunty’s Curse represents the original vision for the title with an alternate storyline, and…
Banjo-Karting [Xbox 360 – Prototype]
Banjo-Karting (also known as The Fast and The Furriest, as it was called in RareReplay’s unlockable video, even if it was the name of an older Rare prototype) was a game prototype for Xbox 360, started by Rare Ltd. just before Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts was finished in late 2008.…
Banjo-Kazoomie [Xbox – Cancelled]
Banjo-Kazoomie was a prototype for the original Xbox which was started at Rare Ltd. in 2004. Players were able to construct their karts out of different parts, therefore after it was cancelled the concept may have evolved into Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts, which was released on Xbox 360 four years…
Beta versions of Diddy Kong Pilot and Banjo Kazooie GBA now leaked and preserved
The awesome people at Rare Ware Central have shared a Banjo Kazooie: Grunty’s Revenge Debug and a Diddy Kong Pilot (that was later released as Banjo Pilot). You can download these 2 unseen games at Rare Ware Central beta page! It’s always nice to see Rare beta games publicly preserved, as…