Contest: design the front cover for the Unseen64 book!

Contest: design the front cover for the Unseen64 book!

Contest: design the front cover for the Unseen64 book!

After 1 year and half of collective volunteer work during our (not much) spare time, sleepless nights researching, contacting developers and writing about lost games, 40+ authors that contributed with articles… our book is almost complete! Articles, related content and interviews are about 95% ready, all our (last) energies and efforts are focused to be able to publish the book this summer or early autumn. When the content will be 100% complete, we’ll have to insert these 300+ pages into the book layout, adding screenshots, photos, concept arts.. it will still take a while, but as this year is the 15° anniversary of Unseen64, the book will be the best way to celebrate together :)

Now it’s time to find a great front cover for the book… but we suck at drawing, so we’d like to ask to all our readers for help: are you an artist or do you just love to draw random stuff with Paint? Would you like to feature your artwork on the front cover of a book about cancelled games? Send us your artworks!


The plan is to publish 2 versions of the book, one in full color and a cheaper one in black / white interior, so there will be 2 different covers, one for each version. We’d like to reward the authors of the winning covers with a copy of the book: the author of the cover chosen for the the full-color book will receive this version, while the author of the cover for the black / white book will receive the b/w version. Both covers will still be in full color but we will not rule out the possibility to use a black / white cover if there will be a great one.

Naturally as it will be a book about unseen games, we cannot left out all the unused covers: ALL PROPOSED COVERS will still be published in a “lost covers gallery” at the end of the book, with each author’s details, as their name, email and link to their online portfolio, so that readers will be able to admire everyone’s effort and talent.

Cover ideas:

There’s not a specific brief for the cover artwork, so feel free to drawn your own ideas. What would you put on the front cover of a book titled “Videogames you will never play”? There could be a group of characters from some of these lost games (here are some examples) drawn in your own style, a symbolic image with people that cannot play unreleased games or awesome pixel art to show games forgotten in a dusty warehouse, X-Files style. Whatever your imagination can cook up!




Contest and file details:

  • The artwork should be original and 100% made by you (you can send us something you already created in the past, but not something made by someone else without their consent).
  • The book trim size will be 7″ x 10″ (about 17,8 cm x 25,4) so keep this in mind for your proportions and resolution (minimum resolution of 300 DPI).
  • You just need to send the front cover, don’t mind about the spine or back cover.
  • More technical details can be found at:
  • You have to send us the cover in the correct size and resolution, in PNG. We could also ask for the original editing file (Photoshop, Gimp, whatever) if needed.
  • The book’s title and bottom details will be put on your front cover by us, you don’t need to add them yourself (as the title and font is not final yet), but if you want you can send us a second version of the cover with the title / details position as you suggest. Just keep in mind that the final cover could have something like this (a main title at the top and some details at the bottom) and part of your artwork will be covered (see an example).
  • You can send your file at [email protected] along with the following author’s details:
    • Your name or nickname
    • Your email (that will be published in the book if you want)
    • Link to your online portfolio, website, blog or twitter account (if you want)
  • End of the contest: 10 August 2016 (you have about two months to create the cover, but the sooner you send it, the better)

After the end of the contest we will choose our favorite covers and we will contact the winners to ask for their home address to send their copies of the book.

If you have more questions, let us know in comments below or by email! Thanks a lot for your help :)

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