Scooty Racers [PS2 XBOX – Cancelled]

Scooty Racers [PS2 XBOX – Cancelled]

Scooty Racers is a cancelled racing game that was in development for the Xbox and Playstation 2. Rapallo (Italy) based publisher and developer Trecision announced in 2001 that it was working on this arcade racer for next generation consoles. In the game, players race agile scooters through large free-roaming environments depicted using a cel-shaded graphical style. For the project Ivan Del Duca from Milestone ( known software house specialized in racing games ) and Rick Gush from Westwood were hired by the italian company. In the later stages the game was adapted to the Popeye license and renamed Popeye: Hush Rush for the Spinach however all the efforts were wasted when Cryo, the french publisher, closed doors in 2002.

Trecision got back the full rights over the game however, the closure of Cryo hit Trecision heavily, as the shareholders decided not to sustain the company anymore. Trecision filed for voluntary liquidation in July 2003.


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5 thoughts on “Scooty Racers [PS2 XBOX – Cancelled]

  1. Adam

    “In the later stages the game was adapted to the Popeye license and renamed Popeye: Hush Rush for the Spinach”

    This made me laugh so hard. Perhaps it’s better this game wasn’t released, after that change.

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