Super Burnout is a superbike racing game developed by Shen Technologies SARL and published for the Jaguar by Atari Corporation / Virtual Xpérience in 1995. Before the game was finished, it was simply called Burn Out and this beta version is in the hand of some collector. As we can read from the video uploaded on Youtube by viMasterJag:
I’ve noticed only a few differences between this & the commercial version. One being the title screen is clearly different. The setup options are slightly different and the beta is missing one of the game modes from the final release.
Thanks to Adam for the contribution!
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The prototype seen here was dumped years ago so everybody can enjoy it :-)
26-04-2018 at 21:48
A huge thanks to:
John Hardie.
Clint Thompson.
Cyrano J.
For making this happen and files avaiable as binaries, rather than stuck on a cart and sold for profit.
From developers themselves at the time:
BURN OUT : (project name)
It’s a more recent project of a motor-cycle race in the style of ‘crash and burn’.
The scroll of the road (curve, hill and descent) is terminated. All the dcor, except some
bitmap zoomed objects, are made with a new special technic of mapping . One or two
players at the same time by linking two jaguars. We’d like to network more than 2
jaguars but we need informations about networking jaguars (extension and peripherals)
Master code availability : SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER
Commercial availability : DECEMBER/JANUARY
Sending you an article which includes a very different looking display etc from the beta and retail version.