The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time URA Expansion is based from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64. Nintendo promised a great tale of adventure, new dungeons, new side quest and much more but it was never delivered due to the failure of the 64DD. A group of hackers lead by ZethN64 have joined together, creating their own version of URA (known around the community as The URA Project) with their ideas and input from the community on the direction to take this project. Their goal? To make it one of the best expansions to follow in the footsteps of Ocarina of Time. One of the main changes is that our Hero and his fairy partner Navi has been replaced by the Hero of Light and a new fairy called Raze who will feature a chime instead of Navi’s voice and colours.
They plan to make the environment in URA to feel more alive and real, breathing more of an atmosphere to the game. NPC’s moving around instead of standing still, new changes in storyline, a restoration of the “blade beam attack” and other cool prerelease/beta elements while creating new ones.
The team members include: ZethN64 (team leader), Sakura, SanguinettiMods, Naxylldritt, Arcaith, Dominic Ninmark(the composer), spinout, Shadowfire (the main beta tester) Branden, Satoshi and the guys from Hard4Games as the secondary testers. Other non official team members, are helping them with hacking and advancing in knowledge in the N64. BIG SPECIAL thanks goes to Twili, Fkualol, flotonic, JSA, Xdaniel, Deathbasket and cooliscool for the tools they have written and anyone else who contributed to this project.
Here is a list of some of the features being implemented in the game.
* A brand new plot with new dialogue to envelop the player
* A new protagonist
* A new fairy partner named Raze, with a new personality
* Completely new dungeons
* A new overworld
* New NPCs, enemies and bosses
* New minigames and revamped old ones
* Changes to the OoT game engine where appropriate, to add new functionality
* Restored beta content
* New attacks
* New items
* New MP3 quality music
* Ura only save files and enhanced file select screen
* New side quests
* Time of day system, with time sensitive events
* Restored beta animations / new animations
* New Warp Songs to learn
* A+B Reversed interface/controls
All work posted is considered work in progress and is subject to change for better and more refinement. Below you can check out both released trailers of the URA Project, that represents one year’s worth of work. The project is currently at 50% completed! As always, U64 wishes them good luck! To find out more information visit their new website: URA Project Official Website
Concept Artwork:
Musical Samples:
Hymn of Ice
Temple of Ice
Overture of Wind
Wind Temple
The New updated info
The Outdated Trailers
What do you think about this unseen game? Give your vote!
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This is win. The team is comprised of amazing hackers.
I have to say I am really proud of my team, we have accomplished so much in 4 months. There is a lot more we are working on and we will continue until this project is finished.
Can’t say I like the new protagonist, adult version seems OK but seriously a baseball cap? It just looks so weird in a medieval style setting. Change it because it just wouldn’t fit and would make child sections awkward.
The Baseball cap is a reference to the BS Zelda games on the Super Famicom’s Satellaview. With that being said I always felt the adult concept should of been just an adult version of the Hero of Light as the protagonist is referred to.
It’s a shame no one ever got to play this interpretation though.
If you actually finish this, I’ll love you forever. I can’t tell you how disappointed I was when the Beta restoration fell apart.
These kind of projects never seems to finish though…
@Grahamx227 – The reason the other beta projects fell apart was for these reasons, 90% of the people involved lacked any of the necessary skills to complete it and were just running off tools someone else made instead of doing “true” hacking. The team leaders were disorganized and no one knew what to do, of course someone can hype it up til the cows come home but you need to be able to put your money where your mouth is. Our team is compromised with good hackers that just don’t rely on tools others made(we literally make our own tools or hack manually), I’ve been a good leader and have kept things organized while giving everyone their job they must do, and last, the one thing that was really important, was to have fun with it, not make it a chore! :D
My girlfriend, Medli was the secondary leader of Team Beta Triforce during the first BRP and this is what she has said, cause I knew people might be sketchy about what has happened with “previous” beta restoration projects:
Medli:” just can’t see that happening at all, we already have more progress on the Ura Project in four months than the original BRP had in two years. Even as the secondary leader I was kept in the dark until the very end, and was very disappointed to find that the entire project amounted to a few texture edits. Honestly, there isn’t really any way to compare the two projects, this one has a lot higher quality work and a leader that actually does a lot of the hacking, and I couldn’t be happier with our team. Keeping it small and organized has worked out very well so far. I can’t see our “% complete” going backwards either, I’m not sure how theirs did in the first place :p
Overall, they’re two very different projects in the first place, and as someone who has been part of both I can safely say this one doesn’t have any of the same problems. I know it’ll be completed, and now even the team’s really hyped after seeing all this work put into a trailer. ZM90 tried to say the BRP would be the project that would save the hacking community, but if anything it’ll be Ura that draws more attention and members.”
Just from the beta I’ve seen I can guarantee that this project will go well and WILL complete. Zeth, Medli, and Naxy sometimes work late at night trying to get extra work done. Sometimes to the point were they fall asleep from sheer exhaustion.They are determined to get this project out to you guys so that you can experience URA as it was intended with some twists added for your personal enjoyment. Just since this trailer was made a HUGE step has been taken toward completion. I can’t say much more but I can garuntee you will enjoy this project one it’s done and you’ve yet to see a majority of the project.
Wow… I got credited as a BETA tester! :P
Seriously though, I’m proud to be hosting such a great project, and to be in charge of a great community.
I can only hope everyone is impressed when the team releases the project, although I can’t estimate when that will be yet.
Just about every aspect I have contributed to this project has been my pleasure to make, and I’m really pumped to see this thing completed. Given our rate of progress, I feel absolutely confident that it will end up just as playable as Zelda’s Birthday, but hopefully a far better demonstration of just how far the Zelda hacking community has come.
Ok this is getting stupid. What the HELL are trying to get at here? What have you really done? I see that you’ve imported some custom maps, added some actors to them, restored a medallion *they looked the same in URA, URA means “another”, URA is not the pre-release*, and you managed to screw up by importing the beta fairy, which isn’t right because URA is a more challenging version of OoT that was to be released on the 64DD. You should really just start over if you want to do it right.
“BIG SPECIAL thanks goes to spinout, JSA, and cooliscool for the tools they have written.”
“just running off tools someone else made”
@CDI-FAILS – If you don’t like, then don’t play it when its released, simple.
@Real_hacker – we use tools in-conjunction with our abilities, heck we even write our own tools as well which will be released when we’re done with the project. If you think you can do such a better job, by all means. :3
Man, i was suprised that you guys had more percentage done than TBT’s BRP, that’s pretty cool :)
How good are you at observing the animations of actors simply by looking in a hex editor? As a matter of fact a hex editor is a tool, so how good are you at figuring out every aspect of a rom simply by observing the file? Please use common sense before you speak again. Ignorance is unacceptable.
*restoring the beta fairy
When we finish the project, you can, as you say, “do it right” and fix all of our mistakes. One suggestion, though–find a new team, because if I’m not mistaken, the last one has gone through two failures (so far). Let’s not have them overhype a third project, shall we? =P
Maybe you need to get your eyes adjusted, or simply learn to read. It clearly states on my website, on the Projects page, the following:
The Toki no Okarina URA Project is a technical modification of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64. It seeks to restore some BETA aspects, as well as making the game closer to the unreleased URA Zelda, which was to be released on the 64DD.
Now, do see see anywhere that I state “It’s providing an exact duplication of what URA Zelda was to be”? If you do, point it out to me. Even on the actual project’s page, it states again:
“The Toki no Okarina URA Project aims to restore BETA elements to The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, as well as adding elements of the original URA Zelda to the game, in addition to a little bit of retexturing. Music changes are also a part of the project, and there have even been map ports. Now, there are select locations from Termina which can be found in Hyrule.”
The latter explanation is the full description. Feel free to rant at me, but the fact of the matter is that people seem to think it’s an exact copy of what URA was to be.
Another reason why this is going good and the BRP failed: This only requires some new music, levels, and NPCs *maybe items*. The BRP required changing the whole entire style of gameplay and adding a whole new world with new items and dungeons. Now which is easier? I think this is. So stop using BRP’s as something to compare to, it’s completely different
@ZethAlkar64: Don’t pay attention to CDi-Fails. He used to work for the Beta Restoration Project.
I really hope this project doesn’t go down like the previous two. I wish you luck!
Sounds pretty good! The background in the last few screenshots reminded me of the Tower of the Gods (Wind Waker). The Temple of Wind, I think was? Anyway, I can’t wait to see when this’ll be finished!
@CDiFails: Yes, because replacing the entire world in Ocarina of Time is just something that can’t be done. The URA Project tries to set realistic goals and make a project that is both fully possible and fun to play. We’re not trying to outdo anyone, we’re just showing how much we appreciate this game by creating a spinoff project. Had it succeeded, I’m certain the BRP would have easily dwarfed Zelda’s Birthday.
As for our project being fair to compare to BRP, I can’t say it’s completely unreasonable–both of these involve new maps, actor rearrangement, restoration of beta aspects, and other things. It’s just that the BRP involved a lot more of it as well as several aspects that were either impossible to implement into the project, or if they had been implemented, they would have been mind-bogglingly difficult for the player to achieve.
Zeth, get a load of this :D
I know it’s just the model, and there’s two things needed to be done, the bobbing up and down and the sparkling yellow health beam rather than the orange and purple one, but hey at least the model is there
I have a feeling this project will be seen all the way through. I’ve seen some of Zeth’s work, and I KNOW he has the skills. Its only a matter of time… ;)
@N64_Player – Thanks for the support, you are definitely right, I plan to see this project all the way through, we are actually already at 40% completed so far.
This project is dead because Zeth is too much of a pussy who cares too much about his rep to continue, he left the internet altogether.
Stop paying attention to Zeth. Seriously.
@ Naomi: BTW, didn’t you read that the project is ON HOLD? It’s on a hiatus for better understanding.
@Octorok_17 Zeth does that when he wants others to think good of him while he makes fun of others and writes his ideas for stalling
lol im glad the little ****** left
Got cancelled just like every other Ocarina of Time mod
Wow, 3 Zelda beta failures. That has to be a record.
And people wonder why I’m done with the Zelda hacking community? Read the negative comments, Why should I work for a community that is not going to appreciate my work? Giving something freely of my own time and yet all they do is kick people and criticize? The reason I said enough was enough when a couple people started causing some problems in RL and that’s where I drew the fucking line, you don’t fuck with my RL. I did not leave cause of my reputation as someone posted. My reputation has never meant a damn thing to me, I don’t give a damn about internet fame, its fucking useless. If I gave any negative comments toward someone is cause I’ve had to deal with people starting shit with me first. You don’t go poking a bear with a stick and think your not going to piss it off. Seriously people common sense. Love me, hate me, I don’t give a damn anymore, I’m tired of giving to a community that doesn’t appreciate what I was doing of MY FREE TIME and would prefer to kick me. Its the immaturity and petty bullshit I’ve had to deal with for 3 years that will always keep this community from ever getting anywhere. So everyone thank your wonderful peers who enjoy to act like jackasses.
I personally agree with Zeth here its a project for people who enjoy the game and wanted more. If everyone wants to kick a man down for trying on his spare time whether he has a family to take care of what ever reason his personal life gives him value then try and make your own damn version, why should anyone deal with the shit talking. Think about the people who sacrificed hours out of their time outside of work to bring this to light. No one at Nintendo would be caught dead doing this on their spare time they get paid for this. Zeth and his team did not, and they succeeded alot further along than anyone else. Zeth unfortunately as Katt Williams has said they are f**king haters and its their job to hate. Forget these assholes and remember that there are people who would love to see the progression one day continues.
@ZethAlkar64: I appreciate your hacks man. Seriously people, give this guy some respect, he went through A LOT to give you guys something fun and what some of you do, still disrespect him and even are spreading lies about him. I’m glad he left this community to get away from all the drama that has happened to him numerous times.
Zeth , i wish you a happy life to get away from the commotion of the community, see ya dude ;)
Christ. I’m glad I left the community. Already people are stabbing him after, what, two days? I guess it’s pretty reassuring to know that blights on humanity like this will die lonely and miserable. Enjoy your sorry existence while it lasts, cancerous Zelda community.
People are justified in hating Zeth, and he should have left the scene a long time ago. He’s a conceited, arrogant, unskilled, and prejudiced wannabe who never accomplished -anything- good, but always boasted about all the awesome stuff he made.
@JFIrish21 We aren’t talking about direct bragging, but with things like “These teams suck, so I must be the best”, in that manner, not like he actually said that. He did make big clues about that with his “TBT 2.0” thread on TheStoneTower forums a while back. He used stuff that was uploaded by SirTopHat for archive purposes as a weapon, saying that half of the shit was for the BRP and idiotic. I see a lot of controversy here, and only one person can be right…get it straight.
And who was it that started trolling my site to begin with, TBT 2.0, it wasn’t til after the fact of you guys attacking me I posted that stuff. I wanted to just work on my projects in peace and away from the immature crap the community was bringing, then you guys started your shit with me for no reason. And the thread I posted wasn’t being “used” as a weapon, it was more lulz then anything, You kept boasting about how awesome you guys were and the things you were doing, gave a link to STH’s site, so both Naxy and myself checked it out, all we found was pictures unreleated to the project and more boasting.
btw everyone, the project is still going to happen.
You can check out my channel here!
Does this mean Naxylldritt is back also?
@NeatStuff4iTouch: Not sure about that question…
Yes this also means Naxylldritt is back along with all our original team members plus some.
Hey I’m just curious Zeth, is the triforce gonna be a part of the game? In the original game I always wanted to get the triforce. I also believed every stupid rumor about it. I’m so gulible lol
Zeth, Medli and everyone… I have no bad thoughts on this project, and I think, hope and know that this will be worth the wait!
Zelda URA 4ever!
@Zmaster: The Triforce was NEVER a useable item in ANY development period, it was just a test. Anyways, the “obtainable Triforce” story was nothing but just a silly little fake rumor that eventually got out of control.
Also, Zeth’s only restoring some content from the pre-release period. Sorry.
Wow, this whole project looks amazing. By the looks of it you guys should be around 80% done give or take, eh? Also, if this project hasn’t bit the dust yet I’d like to give props to the team for staying strong and making it through all of the bs the haters of the Zelda community are spitting at you guys. I’ve modded maps for the Funhouse Clan and now Asylum-X. They’re PC gaming clans that mostly focus on Halo PC and COD4, which I’ve made/modded maps for both games so I have an understanding of how much a project of this magnitude can take out of you.
I’m looking forward to the completion of this project as well as several of your fans. Best of luck to the team and to all who hate on you guys, go $%*& yourselves. Let’s see you try and do what they’re doing…WITHOUT dropping the project.
@[X]Dr.Aclua(Crimson): I think they’re actually 59% or 62% done. And no, they haven’t bit the dust yet ;)
If hacking projects have done one thing to me it is they have shown me what people can do once they are motivated and have the right resources despite them never going to be finished.
Hello fans, Just letting you know we are still hard at work on this, the project’s completion is at 60% done. Its been over a year now since the project was first formed and though we’ve had a few bumps along the way, everything is still going great. We hope to have a demo out by this summer/fall and will be releasing a new trailer come this late April/Early May. I will continue to keep everyone updated here as much as possible about upcoming stuff. If you want to check out our site, its where we keep things posted about updates and ask for the communities’ feedback on their thoughts. You can find the link in my URL or right here.
@ZethN64: Also, I need to ask one myself: Will URA be a full 128MB as intended?
When I heard the beta project was canceled, my heart sank like a rock to my stomach. When I saw this, my heart flew to the sky, but got heart burn from me leaving the game shark code for the mid-day sun on. I can’t wait for the demo release!
PS: A few questions:
1. Will Dark Link be placed in any of the new areas?
2. Will the game have the “Disk” tab only currently accessed by a game shark or cartridge tilting?
3. Will the download be a rom, or a ips patch?
4. Has the blue fairy been given more animation since the trailers?
5. Will there be new bosses for the new temples (if any)?
6. Will anything be added to current boss battles (Ganondorf having more phases, Twinrova having some thunder attack or something, etc.)
7. Is Navi’s newer blue color shown in the trailers representing that the game is in “Ura” Mode?
@Gannio: I’m glad you can’t wait for the demo release :) Even though I’m not part of the team, I can answer some of the questions.
1. I think we might have to see when we play the full project:)
2. Hmmm, not sure about that.
3. IPS patch.
4. Well, the Blue Fairy has since been replaced with a new version that looks more cooler IMO :)
5. They’re not sure about that yet, but I’m sure it’s a possibility
6. See #5.
7. Well, that fairy’s not Navi, but a new character called “Raze”.
Hey everyone just letting you know we are not dead and are still working on the project. We had a few problems and lost a couple team members due to them not having a enough time in their RL to help the project. But in the process, we gained an even more amazing composer I would almost compare to Koji Kondo himself. His music alone has been such a big inspiration for the team we have our motivation set into high gear and working on getting trailer 3 with a lot more indepth look in the upcoming expansion everyone has been waiting for. We are looking to press the limits of the N64 and give what the fans have been waiting for. So keep an eye out for more updates! Thanks for the huge support guys! :3
sorry, I still have a few more questions.
1) will there be new tunics like the gold one, white one, and black one?
2) will there be the Ocarina pedestal?
3) will there be a unicorn fountain?
4) will the running man be able to be beaten?
5) will there be an ice temple and a light temple?
hey just a question about this hack, is the castle town going to be explorable like in the beta version?
@lozgurl – 1) there will be a new tunic yes, but that is a surprise.
2)Perhaps :3
When this is finished, there will be a patch distributed.
Also updating the top page soon, so check back here to look for new links to things! :3
@Anon – There will be a full 3D castle town to explore, no more prerendered backgrounds.
@ZethN64 – Awesome!! I’m super excited! Will the medallions be usable items too? and if there is an ice temple, will there also be an ice sage too?
also, will there be the beta lost woods and beta graveyard?
@anon – The medallions will be useable yes, there is an ice sage, just as there is a wind sage. As for your other question, no we are not beta lost woods and graveyard from Zelda64, its a bit outdated for how OOT is.
First off, since got NitroFlasher to do the music, I declare this project a Triple Win. Secondly, a few more questions:
1.Will young link gain better transportation, like a young Epona)?
2.Will the Wind Temple be in the Lost Woods, if not, will there be more lost woods?
3.Will link gain new jump attacks?
4.Will medallions do something other than be a oversized novelty coin?
5.Will there be more swords/shields.
6.Will there be some sort of sword beam?
7.Is anyone from Majora’s Mask being brought in this game?
8.Will the current cutscenes be more cinematic?
9.Will old bosses return as Wind/Ice Temple bosses (Aquamentis, Geelok, Digdogger, etc.)?
10. Will the game be a patch for 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, Master Quest, or Master Quest Debug roms?
11.Will any old Items return for the new temples (Magic Rod, the Canes of Somari or Byrn, Magic Cape, etc.)
12.If the debug rom, will rooms 120 and 121 make a comeback?
13.While we know Fado is the Wind Sage, is the Ice/Light Sage someone that we have seen but is already important in the original?
14.Is the concept art a new Link design, or someone else?
I can’t wait, everything seems to be coming out in July to Late summer!
@Gannio: I might not be Zeth, but I’ll be able to answer half these questions:
1. Young Link will not be the protagonist for this game, it’ll be the Hero of Light(haven’t heard of him? Look up BS Zelda).
2. We’ll have to wait until the full game’s released, will we ;)
3. Yes, as shown in the first trailer.
4. Yep, they will be equippable(as it was in the A+B+C era). Not sure about the effects though, probably will replace the magic spells.
5. Possibly.
6. Yes, the beta Sword Beam will be included in this project.
7. No comment on this yet.
8. I think the cutscenes are good as they are IMO.
9. Not sure, all that is known is that there will be custom bosses.
10. See #5.
11. This mod will be a patch for Debug Rom only.
12. Nope. They wouldn’t fit with the more detailed environment of the final OoT.
13. Not sure on this yet.
14. Both pics are concept art for the Hero of Light, the new protagonist of this mod as explained above.
1. who will the ice sage be?
2. will there be a light temple also?
3. will the game itself, origional OOT, maintain its same storyline? Aside from the Hero of Light character change, will Zelda have any changes?
#1. We’ll have to wait until we play the full game.
#2. Yes.
#3. This mod will have a partly-same storyline, albeit with a lot of new changes. And Zelda will still be the princess of the story, no character replacement.
@Octorok_17 where is the official plot?
@anon: Check here. You gotta get an account running first :P
1.His tunic’s will work just like in OOT, his tunic will be green during the time he’s the young hero.
2.That hasn’t been discussed as of yet with the team.
3.We are adding some beta animations in the mix.
4.Um we know how 3D model and import that ingame already, which is what we are going to do with his model.
5. Nope, just the 3 original boots, HOWEVER, we are planing on making the iron and hover boots item equippable.
6.This hasn’t been decided atm yet.
7.No they will not, however they will have a bigger role then what they did.
8.No, we will not be putting an Arwing test enemy into chest.
9.You will not see Ganondorf chasing Zelda through castle town, however will you see him chasing outside the castle town gates as in the final version of the game.
10.It will be a bit more difficult then before, that much I can gurantee.
Other questions by other users:
A) No, the Triforce will not be an obtainable item.
B) Some Majora’s Mask characters will make an appearance along with some new NPC’s.
C)There will be no new tunics, Just wanted to clarify, the gold and white tunics are simply OoT using the wrong data as an RGB colour for shading the tunics. The way it works, is the game has the three existing colours in memory, and the gameshark code makes the game load the data right beside that and use it instead.
D)Wind Temple is not in the Lost woods
E) Lost woods is getting redone entirely.
@Everyone – The page is updated with 2 new songs! Enjoy!
Also the project is far from dead, you may not hear of progress going on right away cause are hard at work, we are not dead, we are not following the Zelda Beta project trends and this project will be completed! :)
i feel like you guys are making huge changes in freaking ura is about. why are you replacing link?, do you realy hate him that much? Isnt ura sappost to be a expanssion pack? the bs games made it so that you could choose to be someone else BUT still made it so that you can be link Nintendo wanted to be there for everyone by making it so that you can be a different character and link rather than forcing it apon you in order to play a freaking game. I feel you guys are telling me “if you dont like this random character dont play the legendary game ura that you always wanted from your child hood.” And since when in h*** was link trapped in the scares realm and another hero came. Your just hiding the fact that your making a completely different game than a freaking expansion pack. Cant you just have another debug rom your working on withought replacing link with a bs Zelda character?! Link is the character connecting yourself to the player why the f*** would they change the thing in a zelda game that makes it Zelda?
No what screw it I don’t need to depend on ignorant people who cant see what makes Zelda so special. Il find some people who care and try to work with them on replacing the unexpected bs character with Link the character that was sappost to be in OOT, so Zeth and the ura team, trash talk and back talk all you want but wether you like it or not im putting link back into the game kicking that bs bs character out of there.
@max, just in case you didn’t know, this is not the true Ura Zelda. The Ura Team are restoring some beta and Ura elements, as well as new elements. This is not really a recreation of Ura. Ura is a Japanese word meaning another or alternate, thus, we have an alternate Ocarina of Time. They do not dislike or hate Link, but are just replacing him for this project. Yes, Ura was an expansion, but this isn’t Nintendo’s Ura, so they can do what they please. Link is being replaced with the Hero of Light for the story, as Link is not in it. Replacing the Hero of Light with Link wouldn’t work because you’d have to change the story. Don’t like it? Don’t play it, simple. Want the “real” Ura? Make it yourself. :P
And if I am wrong about anything, feel free to correct me. :P
@Max – First off Max, I understand you are a little upset, but please take into consideration, this is not an official game, this is but a fan made project. We are NOT doing a recreation of URA because absolutely no one knows what URA was supposed to be about, all we have is left overs from the game itself that us hackers have found and rumors and hearsay, nothing solid. So what does that leave us to do? Well we decided to go with our imagination and input from the community, while -very- few people have been upset that Link isn’t the hero, it does not take away that this game will be great and push the N64 to its own limits. Having a new hero helps us expand more upon the ideas, character development and plot to the story we are working on so its not just another rehash of OOT with one or two new dungeons(which is sort of neat but honestly, its rather boring and lackluster), so we decided, what could we do for a hero, and the team and I came together on the thought of using the official canon Nintendo character, the Hero of Light from the BS games(which did NOT originally feature link, hackers made a patch to add link, Nintendo officially didn’t put link in). The Hero of Light is the only other person beside Link that we know of that can wield the Master Sword and face off with Ganon without diverging from the actual canon feel of the game’s series. While you may see it as “forcing you to use the BS character” we see it as diversity to the Zelda universe, another way to tell a tale while giving a breath of fresh air to the already -stale- gameplay and story telling that has been in the Zelda series for 25 years now. I don’t think trying to be rude on the comments or the to the team who is taking time out of their lives for -free- to make this game so -everyone- can enjoy it is a very smart or good thing to do. If you are that much against it playing it, then feel free to make your own. This but my own two cents on the matter.
Wow i see what you mean now, im sorry if any of my comments hurted anyone I was just so frustrated. I see what you mean by adding new content and more character development and it is greatly appreciated. I am also sorry for my bad language and anything else I or you could think of.
Thanks for taking your time and commenting to a selfish person like me to see the value of whats behind the project. Best of luck on the project!
@Max, Its fine and no worries man! :)
is the 3d beta town in this projeect
@ura fan: No, but a 3D version of the final version’s Castle Town will be in the project.
Page updated, Temple of Light sneak peek video posted! Enjoy everyone!
I was apart of TBT’s Zelda 64 beta restoration and I don’t want to go back down that road again. So URA Zelda is all that I’m doing.
I honestly think that Zeth is just playing you all with his talk of “progress”. Don’t get me wrong, they actually were getting stuff done until about halfway this summer… and then updates seemed to have disappeared… because they are working so hard on making a new trailer. Apparently, it’s technical issue after technical issue; lack of appropriate software, and so on and so forth. In all honesty, I think they haven’t done jack shit.
If you really are hard at work, good for you, great stuff. If I’m correct then please don’t just keep us in the dark anymore and come out and say it.
Sorry, if I come off as a big whiny jackass. So I appropriately named myself as “Flamer.”
@Flamer: It seems that you’re a very impatient person so I’ll just leave this quote for you to read:
“I have a big announcement and its not a good one atm. The project is on a stand still Hiatus due to technical difficulties, if it didn’t make matters worse of losing a hard drive, the new one I bought was defective and died 3 days later ontop of my graphic card deciding to die as well at the same time. So until this can be fixed, I’m without any means to work on the project or lead it. All the work on the project is safe on the external, but I don’t know when we’ll be able to get back to work on this. I apologize for the inconvenience and I’ll try to get this fixed as soon as I’m financially able to. “-ZethN64 on his YT.
At least try to look around other than here instead of spouting nonsense like what you’re saying.
For those who don’t know, The project is back on, technical issues are finally fixed! Hurray! Also, we got a new mini-site dedicated to the URA Project. Check out the site at:
@Flamer – Please understand, we’re just regular people, not professional game designers, what we do is on our free time. All the team members are in different countries/timezones which make it difficult to communicate sometimes. Does this mean we stopped working on the project, of course not. Why is it taking so long? Because I want trailer 3 to -really- showcase the real full potential of this project, to show people how serious we are and that we aren’t just a bunch of talk or that we are going to end up like every Zelda hack project. Sure we have technical issues, its bound to happen, it doesn’t mean the project is done with over something so silly. I can assure you, I’m not “all talk”. You can check out the URA Minisite for proof of that, we recently released a few new sneak peeks, nothing too special, but more to come after trailer 3’s release.
I’m a hacker/modder of OoT myself and I know how long it takes to do the things you guys are doing. Hopefully trailer 3 will dispell any doubt I have in the project (ALOT of doubt) and showcase as much features and material as you guys are making it out to be.
In the mean time, I’m going to stand my ground as a non-believer. The only factor that could play a role in how long it takes to get something done is the amount of free time you guys have.
I’m quite pestimistic, I know, but I’m also realistic. It’s probably because every OoT mod besides Zelda’s Birthday and haddockd’s mod (only two) has always crashed and burned.
Also, I noticed you have alot of interesting plans for the project… custom bosses? That would be extremely hard to code, especially since nobody in the hacking scene has successfully created a custom actor with AI and deals damage. And the beam blade projectile? The model you guys are using within gameplay_keep is just that– a model which awkwardly masks the spin attack actor. How do you plan on creating an actor for the beamblade? I know of not one member on your team who has had experience creating custom actors besides maybe arcaith. Eventually you are going to have to contact someone else, possibly DeathBasket, spinout, or ZZT, to do the dirty work for you…
Again, I may be pestimistic, but I’m realistic. I look foward to your replies.
Then as a fellow hacker you should understand that these things take time while trying to fit the project in our free time and that we plan to not do a rush job on it. You are more then welcome to believe whatever you like about the project as I’m not going to sit here and try to presuade you to do otherwise. Though I will address a few of the things you did bring up.
Yes, we are going to do custom bosses, it may be a bit difficult but far from impossible as creating new actors has been done. This also coincides with the blade beam attack, its something that will have to be coded to work correctly. I am well aware of all other attempts have been just replacing the spin attack which the only purpose of it was to allow the model to load up ingame intact, not restore it.(Like with DL77’s first attempt that had polygon artifacting problems)
As for getting people to do “the dirty work for you” part of your reply, apparently you don’t seem to understand that we don’t just sit back and let others do all the work, everyone is working hard on the project together and there hasn’t been a single piece of content for the project I have not collaborated with the team members. Deathbasket, while not an official member of the team has helped us with some content and spinout being part of the team is working with us on creating some of this custom content. I do understand your realistic point of view as I stood in that same spot during some of the other projects that took place. While others lost support/momentum and eventually died out, we have stood strong for almost 2 years now(2 years officially in Feb 2012) and we’re not backing down anytime soon. We will see this project to end no matter how long it takes.
About those guys flaming the project in 2010
Looks like a bunch of butt hurt faggots who are just angry that zeth caught them out on their shitty projects that weren’t going anywhere, and jealous that zeths project actually is going somewhere.
They’re all just mad cause they know that the URA teams real capable of making it all happen.
So I’m back for more…
I only have one question to ask: where is trailer 3? :)
Although, the gameplay videos were quite nice. I especially enjoyed the newest one involving the Ice Palace.
The Ice Temple BGM reminds me of what it would be like if Sim City 4 had an ice age world when you are in *God mode* setting up for *Mayor Mode*.
Sim City 4 God Mode has this type of ambient music a lot.
By the way. From what it looks like this is going to be much different then what Nintendo’s URA Zelda was going to be.
You said you don’t want just a few remixed dungeons but guess what? The original URA Zelda was going to have entire new sidequest and items.
Not only that but there will/was going to be more of an interactive atmosphere where if you break a box it will remain broken or if you dig a hole it will stay dug until covered.etc
I hope you don’t change it too much or otherwise it will only make things confusing and I agree 101 percent with Marx about Link.
One more thing. I don’t see why everyone is so against on having the Triforce in Zelda when it could be used to restore Hyrule? What’s the beef
Why do people act like it’s a major sin to program The Triforce in any Zelda game which the programmer will burn to hell?
Sorry if I come across as rude but all this smoke and mirrors are very unsettling.
Wouldn’t it be nice to make like a video showing what Navi has to say? Just got that idea from the temple of light preview when she said “hey”.
I would understand if you don’t because of spoilers. It would be neat if she actually had custom lines though. :)
Also for any modified or new places you could do like a 15 – 20 sec walk around to sort of give us an idea of what to expect. Again not enough to spoil things, just maybe a sprinkle… :3
“URA Project Trailer 3 Delay
As the title says, we are unfortunately going to need to delay the trailer as Zeth’s apartment is currently without power for the remainder of the weekend due to a sudden upgrade to his power provider’s electric grid. We apologize for this unforeseen complication and will strive to get the trailer completed as soon as possible. Because setting dates seems to attract unwanted attention from whatever forces may be, we are only going to say the trailer will be done as soon as possible, no sooner and no later. Anyone who asks for a specific date, complains or otherwise makes a nonconstructive post about the matter will be dealt with accordingly. Believe me, we as the developing team are just as disappointed as you are about this inconvenience”
That’s the URA Team for you! :) Trailer 3 has been in the making for what… a year and a half? Convenient delays are convenient.
Flamer, keep making yourself look dumb. It’s too funny.
@Flamer: Ya know, being rude to the team isn’t going to make things better.
He’s too simple-minded to realize that, Octorock.
I seem to remember a thread called “Wake-Up Call” that Zeth made when addressing issues in TBT. Perhaps this project is need of a similar one?
No, not really. Just because we have not released the trailer yet, it doesn’t mean the mod isn’t being made.
Honestly, people with a mindset such as yours need to be flown into space inside of a rocket ship rigged with explosives.
The occasional photo can only do so much, Nyan Pony. By the way, what is the point of posting with the title bearing “(URA Beta Tester)”? Does it somehow make the information contained within your post seem valid? Seriously, back up your arugment a little better than just telling me “no. we ares doings finez wit teh project.”
By the way, I’ve seen how you post on the forums, it amazes me how you managed to gain the position moderator; you posts need to be moderated themselves. Like almost everybody else who fail to see what’s happening with this project, you might as well just get on your knees and give Zeth and his crew a group BJ, already.
@Flamer #2: Settle down Stella, you don’t want to invoke his wrath.
Geez, this starting to look like the times when everybody was worshipping Flotonic for his slightly above average modding skills. It seems as though Zeth has been placed on a pedastal higher than everybody else and given a status approaching that of a god. I’m I the only one who sees all this ass-kissing?
@Flamer: Sup CDi-Fails.
CDi-Fails? Far from him. Take another guess.
Well whatever. I’m not going to continue with this petty bs over the simple delay of a fanproject’s trailer.
Flamer, you’re judging me based off of how I posted months, and months ago. The fact that you’d judge me based on posts so old, only goes to show how low your intelligence is.
Also, you’re trying too hard, kid. Way too hard.
Can’t you get a better hobby then just downright flaming, Mr. Flamer?
He can’t get a better hobby, as he is obviously the mentally disabled offspring of an incestual couple.
“The occasional photo can only do so much, Nyan Pony. By the way, what is the point of posting with the title bearing “(URA Beta Tester)”? Does it somehow make the information contained within your post seem valid? Seriously, back up your arugment a little better than just telling me “no. we ares doings finez wit teh project.”
By the way, I’ve seen how you post on the forums, it amazes me how you managed to gain the position moderator; you posts need to be moderated themselves. Like almost everybody else who fail to see what’s happening with this project, you might as well just get on your knees and give Zeth and his crew a group BJ, already.”
Jesus, how many things do we need to release to keep you people happy?
“The occasional photo can only do so much”.
Really now? What makes you think you’re entitled to anything at all? We’re doing this for free, on our own time, and it’s people like you who just want to stir up trouble and claim the project is dead that makes it unpleasant. I guess none of the screenshots, video updates and Q&A with our forum members is good enough because our third trailer slipped. I’d also check your dates, you can’t have been waiting a year and a half for a trailer that was going to be released on christmas.
“By the way, what is the point of posting with the title bearing “(URA Beta Tester)”? Does it somehow make the information contained within your post seem valid?”
Yes absolutely. He’s part of the Ura Team, what did you expect? He sees what’s going on behind the scenes, and his opinion is valid. As was posted on The-GCN, we picked him to be a moderator for a reason and if you don’t like that, you’re welcome to kindly avoid our community.
I’m really tired of people pulling this kind of garbage though. I see what our team is coming up with, within the last week I’ve seen new concept art, a new environmental object, a new piece of background music and a new map off the top of my head. It’s just going to make you look ridiculous in hindsight when this project is released.
As my username implies, you literally are a twit. Its obvious to anyone with a brain function higher then a 5 year old to see that this project can’t even be compared to TBT’s project. The URA Team has done a HELL of a lot more then any of those other Zelda projects. Its fucking ridiculous to see some asshat post trying to cause trouble because all he wants to do is try to slam a good team any which way they can. Its a fanmade project for fucks sakes, stop acting like a cancerous spoiled brat. The URA Team is made of a bunch of the nicest people I have ever seen, half of the other projects on the net, the guys are asshats, the URA Team is the furthest from it. You are pretty spineless attacking a project due to an inconvenience that cannot be helped. IF things take more time, then you know what, it will be worth it. The URA Team has not let me down and the rest of you should really think about that, despite whatever gets thrown their way, they still strive on to complete this mod, for fuck’s sake, give them a break.
Oh, look; the little kid has nothing else to say.
I really could careless what is said about me, its one person’s opinion, I know the real truth as does everyone else. I have not done anything wrong while I cannot help the current situation, there seems to be one or two users who have nothing better to do with their lives then try to cause the team misery when unfortunate things happen that is out of our control. You sir are entitled to nothing and have no right to demand anything. We talk with our community, we ask for their input on things and features, we work to bring this mod and yet it amazes me to see people post such negativity. Why does everyone think we’ve been working on making a trailer for a year and NOT the actual game? Dominic composed an amazing piece for Trailer 3 and I want to have content from URA meet to a good quality standard to be shown off for one, that’s why the trailer was originally postponed last year, even now, I had events that occurred that I could not help. I didn’t ask to get hit by a car and have chronic pain due to it, I didn’t ask for my power to go out for an entire weekend while the electric company switches our block over to digital. I didn’t ask for Sakura’s laptop to keep freezing and locking up to the point she fights to even have online access. If you don’t realize it now, shit happens and getting that taken care of is of course more important. Does this mean we wanted to delay or disappoint everyone? No, we wanted to release the trailer on time to you guys, we were just as excited as you cause we want to showcase our hardwork. But the one thing I will guarantee is this, no matter how long it takes, this project will continue, we will continue to keep in contact with our fans and our community and we will release the next trailer soon. Just hang in there everyone and don’t let a few people who can’t be mature about things spoil it for you.
Seems to me like a certain someone thinks we’d be far better off cutting off all updates from the community until the project is done. You’re welcome to your opinion, but don’t be upset when we don’t listen to it.
I’ll beat the proverbial dead horse and reiterate (because people just don’t seem to get it until it’s literally beaten into their heads) that you are not entitled to play the project we are working our asses off on. We are not getting paid for this, and we are doing it on top of everything we’ve been having to deal with in real life, and whether you choose to believe what we say or disregard them as ‘convenient excuses,’ we’re still making progress, slowly but surely. If you can’t be patient for us to find time to keep producing content for this project until we’ve finished things we’re ready to release, then may I kindly suggest you look for another project to deal with. Quite frankly, we’ve had far more than enough problems without self-entitled children bitching about a nasty turn of events.
I find this all rather amusing. Not only demanding that we release something when real life events have tried to screw us over, but to also blatantly attack one of my staff? Bravo. Just, bravo.
If you’d done any sort of research at all, you’d realise that in spite of how he posted, he still had a desire for the rules to be enforced, hence my decision to promote him, and wouldn’t you know, his behaviour improved. As for his BETA tester title, he’s actually pretty good at it. Quality Assurance helps us to be able to get a decent project out to the people who want it, including twats such as yourself.
Back on the topic of unfortunate events, if you can’t comprehend that Zeth getting hit by a car, my near-death from a nasty strain of influenza that already claimed 3 lives, Sakura’s computer issues, and Zeth’s power grid being upgraded are all just unfortunate events that cannot be helped, you’re more a fool than you are given credit for.
Hey, I just got a couple questions?
Can somebody who can give me some information get back to me? :o
@Emcee Razor
Of course, ask away.
One big thing that’s on my mind is, how will I be able to play this?
Will it be played on a computer?
And if so, would the team be able to make a tutorial-type video explaining how to download and install the game?
Thank you ^-^
@Emcee Razor: I’m very sorry I wasn’t able to answer your question sooner, but the mod will be playable on the computer via a custom emulator that will be released by the team alongside the mod, yet it’ll be also playable on a real N64 via a flash cart like the 64Drive. There might be a possibility for that to happen.
@Octotok_17 Its fine, thank you for getting back to me, and thank you for the information.
Well in that case it looks like I’m gonna need to get a computer lol.
Is there a product for public use that is near being finished? :)
@Emcee Razor: Not really. If you’re talking bout’ the 64Drive then I hate to say this, but it’s something that you buy only from the internet. I’m sure there are units being sold in the public but they’re probably in used condition and trying to find something like I described will be probably pretty scarce.
I have some really bad news. URA project has now been cancelled.
Zeth announced this earlier in The GCN:
“Well everyone, I have some pretty bad news and I’m not sure what to do at this point. Our programmer and another one of our hackers left the project, partially cause their own loss of interest in the project but also due to other RL things which has led it to overwhelming them. Losing a big part of the backbone to the project has really crippled the team and I do not blame them, it has put me in a not so good situation on what to do with the project. While I have stated on numerous occasions I don’t want to see this project to be cancelled(I still feel that way even now)and I’ve fought so hard to keep it going. But I’m at the point i’m not sure what to do, the reason we worked as a team as we all had specific talents that worked together to help make the project a reality, but it has come down its really just me and a 3D modeler, a composer and two beta testers. I don’t want to cancel the project, but I’m having a hard time finding how I can keep it afloat by myself. I’m not a programmer and I have my limits just like any person. All I can do, is put this project on a hiatus til I can figure something out, while I may be postponing the inevitable I want to at least try to keep it going if I can, so if you have any suggestions, please post them. As for the minimod, I am still planning on finishing that up and releasing that, it was mainly being worked on by me anyways so that’s not much of an issue. Again I am truly sorry for this bad news, but this out of my hands/control.”
And then Shadow Fire did this announcement:
“It is with a heavy heart that I make this announcement. The URA Expansion has now been officially cancelled. Due to certain factors, none which can be publicly explained, the project began to collapse, before finally, it was realized that it could no longer be worked on, given the current situation.
Zeth has also left the community, having taken this pretty hard. He wanted nothing more than to have the project completed, and is devastated that it had to be cancelled.
I would like to state, first and foremost… I will NOT tolerate any backlash against him or the (now disbanded) URA team. We tried our best to continue under extremely difficult circumstances, but it was not possible. It is not his fault, nor anybody else’s. The team simply wasn’t able to function as it currently was.
Anyone who initiates any kind of slander towards Zeth will be penalized heavily. This is your only warning.
In addition, I would also like to state, that this does not mean the end of The GCN. We are still remaining as a community where you can share ideas, opinions and projects for all video game related stuff.
Also, please do not ask for the URA source, as it is currently a cluster of confusion, and there are several ROMs with different edits made.”
Oh, and don’t bother to look at the mini-website, formerly located at nor at Zeth’s youtube channel (he deleted it entirely).
It’s a real shame, URA Zelda was such an ambitious project; so much potential put to rest. Please don’t judge Zeth, he’s a good man, it was his passion after all, he really strived all the time to keep the project alive (you can even see it from the earlier comments in this page). But I guess things come to an end, specially when RL is such a bitch.
But this is not the end of other Zelda projects! In the forum are plenty of other projects like giadrosich’s Voyager of Time (going to be released on May 1st), Project Antiqua, a Zelda MM Mod, etcetera.
URA Zelda is now DEAD
Their website is deleted
YouTube account closed
Videos removed
I don’t think there is a download for the demo, but they might send out a download link 50% chance.
I don’t think they’re DEAD in that sense. I mean I know the website’s locked off…
Maybe they’re just re-modifying; it happened to me once and the website was all updated.
The project is indeed cancelled. It may or may not be reincarnated eventually, but as of right now, its officially “dead”. Its very unfortunate, but its reality.
He removed everything, the site, his Youtube channel. I followed this Project for over 2 years now, and i was very excited to see the end product, the URA Expansion! I hope that they will pick up the Project again. But that is very unlikely.
His last words before removing EVERYTHING:
Posted by: ZethN64
I have to say, I came across the recent news about Ura’s closure post by accident by hitting the home button on my browser. But since I was here, I did read it and all the comments, it made me shake my head at how quickly things could turn sour. Its really sad and justifies me leaving on good reasoning.
Anyways, Its true, I’m leaving the community for a while, URA is cancelled for now and its not because of my ego(or whatever everyone like to keep assuming and posting for whatever reason) its because I honestly can’t handle the stress, its effecting my health badly. Its why I’m breaking from the community for a while and pushing onward in my own direction for the moment. During the time I said I was going to release the files of URA, its was during the time I planned on staying in the community and using them to make minimods and improvements to OOT if Ura could not be finished. But after seeing this huge disarray and everyone is blaming everyone, and the personal fight you’ve all heard about it, I decided it was best for me to leave to stop myself from having massive chest pains from the stress. Now while I am leaving, its going to be for a lot better reason, I’ve realized tonight, I’ve relied on people to make tools for me waaaaay too much because I didn’t know how to program. I could hack and do some pretty awesome stuff, but programming was pretty much something I never got into. Because of this reason, I had to wait on the programmers to find time to make these tools that could help push the project forward, what am I to do if I don’t have a program that can convert the maps I modeled properly? or make texture replacement not such a huge hassle/obstacle? In honesty, there was a lot of things that needed to be made and they just weren’t getting done. After Ura’s programmer left, it left us in a very bad situation and I didn’t want to just downgrade the project ridiculously just to release new content, it wouldn’t be the same project if I did. I’m not blaming any of the programmers because you know life sucks, it gets in the way. If anyone understands that, its me(Trust me, it happens a lot with me, even things I haven’t told the community). So I’m not going to rely on people to make tools to help me accomplish tasks I need, while I’m gone I’m spending time learning ASM and how to program so I can make the tools I need to get shit done the right way so the project can get completed and not take two, three, four years down the road to complete. Ura has been my mod I have held with a passion and its not something I’m just done with. Programming and learning ASM is going to take time and its why I removed my channel on youtube, the website, etc. I don’t want the distractions or the pressure.(we’ve all seen how negative people can get) There is one thing that stopped a lot of progress, the team seemed to be scared of MM because it would require documenting and looking into how it runs. (Its not OOT, but it is a far superior engine) I’ve had people tell me its impossible, even the team doubted it at first when it was brought up(which apparently never left them which I had no clue about), that’s when I made the MM Castle town engine test video, to show it is possible.(if I am correct, it was also the first custom map imported into MM that I have seen). Since I’ve been with this community, people have always told me, its impossible to do this or that and it pushes me to prove them wrong. Like fixing the beta kokiri girl Fado, importing a map from Twilight princess, importing that room from mad monster mansion from banjo kazooie, importing models from MM and loading them up in OOT, restoring the beta blue fairy, importing animations from MM to OOT, etc. Since I’ve been with this community, I’ve pushed a lot of limits and done things a lot of people wasn’t able to do at that time.(I guess this is where people mix this stuff up with my ego rather then its just history, the thing is this is the truth) And now I have a fire of determination I haven’t had in a VERY LONG TIME. Ura will happen when the time is right, but right now I have a lot of ground to cover and its time I do it properly. I do thank everyone who has worked with me and some of the Ura team who I do keep in contact I am sure I will keep them up to date what’s going on such as shadowfire and thank you to the people who have supported this project and the wonderful comments I did see in the end, I promise the negative didn’t overshadow the good things you said. So, in the meantime in my absence, enjoy the other projects here and keep an eye out for when I do pop back in to share things.
This is what drives me nuts, when someone declares a project is dead without paying attention to what the project coordinator said, that it can change, and just because a page does not get updated 24/7, does not mean a project is cancelled. It just might be hiatus or something. This jumping into a sea of conclusion is ridiculous and leads to lies and rumors that have no or little substantiation. Those are my two cents.
I have to say, I came across the recent news about Ura’s closure post by accident by hitting the home button on my browser. But since I was here, I did read it and all the comments, it made me shake my head at how quickly things could turn sour. Its really sad and justifies me leaving on good reasoning.
Anyways, Its true, I’m leaving the community for a while, URA is cancelled for now and its not because of my ego(or whatever everyone like to keep assuming and posting for whatever reason) its because I honestly can’t handle the stress, its effecting my health badly. Its why I’m breaking from the community for a while and pushing onward in my own direction for the moment. During the time I said I was going to release the files of URA, its was during the time I planned on staying in the community and using them to make minimods and improvements to OOT if Ura could not be finished. But after seeing this huge disarray and everyone is blaming everyone, and the personal fight you’ve all heard about it, I decided it was best for me to leave to stop myself from having massive chest pains from the stress. Now while I am leaving, its going to be for a lot better reason, I’ve realized tonight, I’ve relied on people to make tools for me waaaaay too much because I didn’t know how to program. I could hack and do some pretty awesome stuff, but programming was pretty much something I never got into. Because of this reason, I had to wait on the programmers to find time to make these tools that could help push the project forward, what am I to do if I don’t have a program that can convert the maps I modeled properly? or make texture replacement not such a huge hassle/obstacle? In honesty, there was a lot of things that needed to be made and they just weren’t getting done. After Ura’s programmer left, it left us in a very bad situation and I didn’t want to just downgrade the project ridiculously just to release new content, it wouldn’t be the same project if I did. I’m not blaming any of the programmers because you know life sucks, it gets in the way. If anyone understands that, its me(Trust me, it happens a lot with me, even things I haven’t told the community). So I’m not going to rely on people to make tools to help me accomplish tasks I need, while I’m gone I’m spending time learning ASM and how to program so I can make the tools I need to get shit done the right way so the project can get completed and not take two, three, four years down the road to complete. Ura has been my mod I have held with a passion and its not something I’m just done with. Programming and learning ASM is going to take time and its why I removed my channel on youtube, the website, etc. I don’t want the distractions or the pressure.(we’ve all seen how negative people can get) There is one thing that stopped a lot of progress, the team seemed to be scared of MM because it would require documenting and looking into how it runs. (Its not OOT, but it is a far superior engine) I’ve had people tell me its impossible, even the team doubted it at first when it was brought up(which apparently never left them which I had no clue about), that’s when I made the MM Castle town engine test video, to show it is possible.(if I am correct, it was also the first custom map imported into MM that I have seen). Since I’ve been with this community, people have always told me, its impossible to do this or that and it pushes me to prove them wrong. Like fixing the beta kokiri girl Fado, importing a map from Twilight princess, importing that room from mad monster mansion from banjo kazooie, importing models from MM and loading them up in OOT, restoring the beta blue fairy, importing animations from MM to OOT, etc. Since I’ve been with this community, I’ve pushed a lot of limits and done things a lot of people wasn’t able to do at that time.(I guess this is where people mix this stuff up with my ego rather then its just history, the thing is this is the truth) And now I have a fire of determination I haven’t had in a VERY LONG TIME. Ura will happen when the time is right, but right now I have a lot of ground to cover and its time I do it properly. I do thank everyone who has worked with me and some of the Ura team who I do keep in contact I am sure I will keep them up to date what’s going on such as shadowfire and thank you to the people who have supported this project and the wonderful comments I did see in the end, I promise the negative didn’t overshadow the good things you said. So, in the meantime in my absence, enjoy the other projects here and keep an eye out for when I do pop back in to share things.
As concerning spire, and other he said, she said bs arguments…Truthfully its stupid drama and its not worth worrying about. Just drop it and let there be peace and save us all the headache!
PS: Zelda Informer is bit uninformed. TBT’s project that was made by ZM90 on their website several years ago before it ended entirely, I was only part of the project, URA didn’t develop from them or from TBT’s project. (The BRP didn’t get out of development very well) Ura on the other hand was something I spearheaded from the beginning as my own project and it originated here. So I figured I would clear up some confusion on that.
^^ I’d appreciate it if you would delete my top comment. ^^
Anyways, I want to start off by thanking you all your support with the projects, between the donations, ideas, and everything else.
With that in mind, let me clear some things up a bit; Yes, the Ura project is canceled for now(meaning that one day it will come back), the reason is because after Ura’s programmer left, all hell broke loose(left us in a very bad situation and I didn’t want to just downgrade the project ridiculously just to release new content, it wouldn’t be the same project if I did), and that isn’t the main problem either, this project damaged my health severely, and I need a chance to get a breather. I understand how it’s disappointing to everyone, but “it is what it is”. I sincerely apologize for keeping all your hopes up, what more can I say? But I do sure hope I’ve accomplished something; inspiring every single one of you.
Zeth, it was a chicken shit move to just shut everything down and hide yourself. These past few months you’ve treated your fanbase like shit, and delaying things over and over again for no logical reason whatsoever. Your really making yourself out to be a selfish asshole.
Shut up, LastWWolf.
Face it people, the ura project is dead. Zeth only typed us up a novel so his ego wouldn’t go to shit. Zeth your an asshole and will always be one.
I apologize for disappointing you, but like I said previously, the Ura project is only dead as of NOW. Meaning that it WILL return later.
Zeth when you do get the back back on track why dont you do step at a time like do a dungeon, then item for that dungeon, then boss and puzzle or you could do the dark world first
please reply to this thanks hope you get the project back on track and get it finish in your own time
I get it, it’s too big for anyone short of Nintendo to do something like this, and everyone has their own lives, so they don’t want to waste years working on something that isn’t their job. However instead of taking your project to the grave with you, why don’t you release your hacked-to-play-like-beta ROM at its current state, so others can can enjoy the work you have already put into it, even if it’s not finished to the point you would have liked to.
@Animedude5555 It is MY ROM and I will do what I want with it. Just to be clear I did most of the work involved in the project. It would have been dead sooner but I had to pull everyone’s weight.
I announced earlier that the project will continue soon. I am getting things ready and will probably start on it next month. You people need to be patient, it’s not like I’m getting paid.. hell I didn’t even receive enough donations to run the website.
Zeth, the day you fallow through with anything, is the day pigs will fly…you’ve always spouted bullshit, and always will, anyone reading this thread, don’t listen to this piece of shit, he will never fallow through with anything…
It sucks that the Ura Zelda restoration was cancelled, whether that be for just now or forever. But there was definitely logical reason to end it where it did. Fuck, if I knew jack shit about hacking, I’d gladly help, even if only as a beta tester, and I know that everyone else here feels the same way. Whatever the situation is now…
(can someone plz send me a ROM I’ll pay whatever you want for it, but if no, it’s cool)
Dont Bother Paying. We Have all the Remains Of Project Beta Triforce and Are fixing up the rom,and ACTUALLY finishing Ura Zelda the way it meant to be. As a matter of fact when our project is done,it will have several versions of Ura Zelda to Download ^-^
Our project name is Project ARUZ 2016 and we aim to do what everyone else failed at.
Here is a link to our thread on Gbatemp!
By the way, commentor above me
Jesus Christ if you’re gonna judge and complain, do it correctly.