Help! Perfect Dark Zero Limited Collector’s Edition?

Help! Perfect Dark Zero Limited Collector’s Edition?

UPDATE: thanks to an anonymous contributor, we were able to get these PDZ bonus videos! You can see them below:

Do you know anyone who has got the Perfect Dark Zero bonus DVD from the Collector’s Edition? It seems to feature a “Making of ” with some interesting development footage (Mundorare once had beta images and screenshots from it, but they disappeared after their relaunch).  As we can read on Wikipedia:

Perfect Dark Zero was released in two forms: the standard version and a “Limited Collector’s Edition”. The collector’s edition features a second disc of content, a black metal game case, images of the staff and most of the in-house testers which gave a glimpse behind the scenes at Rare, a comic booklet set in the Perfect Dark universe, which sets the scene for the game, and one of nine holographic collectible cards.

If someone could be able to find this “Making Of” Video and sharing it online, it would be nice!

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6 thoughts on “Help! Perfect Dark Zero Limited Collector’s Edition?

  1. Orin

    I have the limited edition but the bonus disc cannot be played like a DVD movie. It is actually a Xbox 360 game disc so it can only be played on an Xbox 360. Only way to get the video(s) is to download an *.iso of it off the net or use a modded console to make one. Then extract the video(s).

  2. Lee

    I have the limited edition PDZ with the Bonus disk, and know someone with a Jtag’d box, so if I can figure out what the file is with the ‘making of’ on, I’ll extract it and let you know.

  3. Lee

    I’ve got all the video’s from the Perfect Dark Zero Bonus disk on a USB Stick for you.

    If you need them, send me an e-mail over and where you want me to upload the files. In total there are 6 different videos, all basically Concept Art videos (like a slideshow), and range from 120mb to 40mb. 6 videos is total.

    Please let me know!

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