Solo Flight [SNES – Cancelled]

Solo Flight [SNES – Cancelled]

Solo Flight is a cancelled flight simulator that was in development by Microprose for the Super Nintendo. The game was probably based on the original Solo Flight published in 1983 for the Commodore 64 and Atari 8-bit family. The mission of the game was to fly solo over several states, delivering bags of mail. The SNES version was going to use mode 7 graphic, similar to Pilotwings, but in the end the project was canned for unknown reasons.

Celine was able to find some screenshots of the game in Banzzai magazine #14 and Super Power #12. Another scan was provided by Gavin


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2 thoughts on “Solo Flight [SNES – Cancelled]

  1. Rockstaar9

    The very last image roughly translates to: “F-15 Strike Eagle II was fine, but that was nothing, because Solo Flight is coming soon. As a computer game already a very old age, the Super Nintendo implementation should be pimped up and even support Mode 7 capabilities. Planned release in the USA: fall.”

    The second-to-last image roughly translates to: ”
    The undisputed world leader in computer simulators is launching on Super Nintendo. After Super Strike Eagle, which unfortunately was not yet quite at the top, Microprose presented two other titles on Nintendo’s sixteen bits.” and at the bottom: ”
    With Solo Flight, you are alone in front of the celestial immensity! On board a small plane, you are dropped, your mission: to land! With the main on-board indicators of a conventional aircraft, it will be necessary to maneuver as best as possible so as not to pick up the face first. Solo Flight has two game modes that will allow you to evolve in several configurations. Using Super Nintendo mode 7, Solo Flight is reminiscent of Pilot Wings.”

    The first image’s small caption reads: ”
    Solo Flight: a simulation of old cuckoos, that changes!” which is likely wrong lol.

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