2 Finger Heroes (Natal) [X360 – Cancelled]

2 Finger Heroes (Natal) [X360 – Cancelled]

2 Finger Heroes is a canceled beat ’em up  made by Arkedo studios that was supposed to be played with the Natal, the Xbox 360 “play without a joypad” add-on.  From the concept arts, we can see that the characters were controlled using the fingers o with some basic gestures, like folding your arms.

An interesting  project, which like the other Arkedo games also displayed an original graphic style (as seen in the concept arts below) and  a twisted story.

Unfortunately in the end the game got shelved because of development issues. As we can read on NeoGAF:

“One of the designs flaws of this, apart from the fact that it demanded some very precise pattern recognition from the Natal system, is that it would have been HELL to localize. Yup, what can be understood as the victory sign in France, could be a terrible insult in the UK, for instance. And we are not even talking about Italian. Oh, the possibilities..”


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